About My Comment Policy…

I love getting comments that complain about my policy.  It’s like reading my blog is mandatory and commenting is a right I’m violating.  And it seems that since my move to Orbit, some of the Known Quantities who I blocked on my WordPress blog are attempting to comment here.

Weird.  Just because I change houses don’t mean you’re suddenly invited to the new place.  But that would require not being an entitled bag of rotten genitals.

But then I got this comment sitting in moderation, and my own reaction was to start laughing.  It’s been a strange first week here, and I really needed this.


Identifying information blurred out because they don’t need any more attention than this post

So, let’s crank up the Kpop and engage in the other thing I enjoy doing here on Seriously?!? – mock.

This is probably going to be my one and only comment on this page,

Oh thank fuck for that. But to make extra sure you remain gone, I’ve blocked your email and IP address.

but I find this whole situation with The Orbit perplexing. The point was to, what? Switch over to another network in an effort to get rid of all of the bad vibes from Freethought Blogs?

You’re barking up the wrong tree.  I’ve never been on FtB except as one of the many folks in the comment sections. So, yeah.

But if that was the point, then why bring those bad vibes over to the new site?


I’m not even sure what “bad vibes” even mean? Some of the same bloggers? The new kids in the class like moi? The same shitty people who’ve been trying to comment here that were blocked over there?

Whatever. Next!

I was hoping that actual conversations, debate, could finally take place, but sadly it seems the same old moderation policy is in effect even here.

WAH! I thought the rules would have changed to allow me to shit all over your home because you moved!

See, I was going to write something about Mark Schierbecker (since I suspected you liked feedback being there’s a comment section and all)

Yes, because I have a comment section, I just HAVE to allow the same tiresome fucking arguments.  I’d apologize, but I don’t give a shit.

but if I’m just going to be banned (or ‘shooed’) for having a dissenting opinion then what’s the use?

And yet, you decided to attempt to pass a comment through here anyway. It’s not dissenting options I shoo away, but, to quote the comment policy:

If you are a known quantity for being dull, or tedious, or shopping your tired ass arguments to every space available, I will snarkily reply and then ban you.  You want a place to spew your shit?  Start your own blog, I will happily ignore it.

And also:

Don’t bore me. That means avoid tired ass arguments if you’re gonna have a problem with what I write.  This ain’t my first do-si-do with these issues, I’ve more than likely have heard your shit before, and your “education” isn’t welcome.

Them’s the rules, folks.  It’s not like I didn’t warn you.

So, farewell, yet another Known Quantity. Your contributions to discourse here will be missed.





About My Comment Policy…

10 thoughts on “About My Comment Policy…

  1. 1

    This (presumably Slymey) individual hoped “conversations” could take place? Oh please. As if conversations haven’t been tried over the past 6 years. I seem to recall conversations on FtB, one of which had over 5000 comments in the span of 3 days, IIRC. Then there are the assorted “conversations” had at various other social justice oriented blogs over the years, and the conversations had in the comment sections of certain high profile atheists who allow toxic individuals to run rampant.
    The overwhelming majority of those conversations led to nothing productive, hence the Deep Rifts. On one side are those people in the atheist movement who don’t care for feminism, anti-racist activism, and LGBT activism being a focus of atheists, and they raise hell whenever we on the other side attempt to explain that we want to build a more inclusive movement and to do so means addressing the varied social issues that affect atheists and nonbelievers outside of religion.
    Also, I don’t believe this person honestly thought their presence and their thoughts (as well as others of their ilk) would be welcome here given the membership of the Orbit.

    But I will laugh at the attempt to paint the folks in the anti-Social Justice League as just “wanting to have a conversation”.

    1. 1.1

      They can “have a conversation” somewhere the fuck else. It just goes with their poor understanding of what freeze peach actually means.

  2. 4

    These are people who are proud to continuously “debunk” the same 4-5 targets over and over again. Or more exactly, to repeat the “debunking” arguments of other people for decades on end. They’re convinced that this makes them deep thinkers who are always right. They extend this attitude to subjects they are barely fit to start learning let alone argue about, and expect to “win” in “debates” rather than have open-minded conversations. Their debate style though is to repeat their ignorance over and over again, while becoming more and more abusive, until they are blocked/banned. Then they claim victory because of course THEY CAN NEVER BE WRONG!

    Yeah, I only have to have that conversation the one time to know it isn’t worth having twice.

  3. rq

    Yeah but what if well actually??!!!
    (I was thinking of doing that in all-caps but it looked a bit much.)
    Clues – so hard to find, especially when everyone’s been handing them to you for years! Also what everyone said about conversation and debate. You’d think all these debate-lovers would just go on and have conversations with each other instead of imposing themselves on those who do not want. EWs for the uhhh sad win?

  4. 7

    I look at it this way.

    Does anyone want to give bigots and haters a platform from which to speak?


    Dissenting opinions should not be allowed. We can keep them out of our safe spaces, but honestly, they should be no-platformed from the entire world.

  5. Jim

    No-one who takes your approach to discourse could possibly have anything interesting to say. You have just openly declared your opinions and your blog to be utterly worthless. Well done.

    1. 8.1

      Okay then, buh-bye now.
      And don’t you worry, you don’t have to come back. I’ve already the locked the door behind you, so to speak.

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