Gluten Free Pierogi Dough

A while back, a good friend of mine came to visit. This friend is Polish and we’ve frequently gushed together over food and recipes. Around the time of the visit, they were coming to terms with the fact that they had developed some type of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which caused a significant increase in pain symptoms when they were “glutened”.

One of the foods we bonded over were iconic Polish Pierogi, delicious little dumplings stuffed with all sorts of yummy possibilities, though the famous classic is cheddar cheese and potatoes. The lack of these little pillows of deliciousness was quite a blow and so a part of the visit was devoted to finding a half decent replacement.

The final product that yielded the highest level of satisfaction was this one here.
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Gluten Free Pierogi Dough

Understanding Legalization versus Decriminalization using Marijuana

When discussions of issues of sex work, drugs, and so on come up, it’s not uncommon for people to confuse the idea of legalization with decriminalisation.

It sounds like they should be the same thing. After all, if something is legal, then by definition it’s not criminal? But the difference in practice turns out to have major repercussions. Continue reading “Understanding Legalization versus Decriminalization using Marijuana”

Understanding Legalization versus Decriminalization using Marijuana