Two Months Later: How Did the Surgery Go?

Two months ago, I undertook the last transition-related surgery I anticipate ever having. There are body modifications ahead of me, most importantly various forms of hair removal and more tattoos, but this step makes my medical transition feel complete in ways that previous steps did not. So how did it go?

In a word, swimmingly. I am deeply, deeply satisfied with my facial feminization and breast augmentation. But healing has come with some surprises that are worth laying out for other folks who are observing my journey and hope to follow it. So, here are some things I’m still dealing with as I round the end of my second month post-surgery.

  • Much of my scalp had extremely limited sensation from surgery day onward, and that remains true. Sensation has returned slowly, the near-dead zone both shrinking and becoming less insensate with each week, but I still have to be careful when brushing my hair to make sure I judge the amount of force I am using accurately. I have heard of people losing some sensation permanently and I do not yet know if I will be one of them.
  • The incision line from the forehead reconstruction is still scabrous in places and produces occasional shots of pain, usually in places where scabs have recently shed. However, the part of it at my hairline is mostly invisible and even has hair growing through it, obscuring it further. There are no signs of infection or other complications.
  • The sinus between my eyebrows occasionally feels sore and even pressurized now that I’m allowed to sneeze and blow my nose again. I am not sure what to make of this.
  • It will not be until sometime next week that the last of the blood that ended up in the sclera of my right eye is reabsorbed.
  • I received no instructions as to whether I should wear a bra consistently or have the option to go braless hereafter. Both are common post-augmentation recommendations. Once I crossed the six-week threshold in which wearing the provided medical compression bra was mandatory, I stopped to see what would happen. I had a few sore days, but now find being braless about as comfortable as it was before. I did, however, notice that I seemed to be descending a little more , toward a breast shape I’d rather not be mine, so I have taken to wearing an elastic bra most of the time just in case. Certainly, there can be no harm in it.
  • I have not had to discard as much clothing as I imagined I might, but the losses are nonzero. As is my custom, it is going in a bin that I will bring to the next clothing swap I attend. Slowly investigating the parts of my wardrobe with the greatest risk of no longer fitting will proceed apace each weekend.
  • My breasts are still a little sore when I push them closer to each other, as happens when I briefly sleep on my side. Other than this, the experience only occasional pain, but I am remaining vigilant for signs of capsular contracture and other complications.

I hope this rundown helps others who are considering facial feminization surgery and breast augmentation know what to expect from their recovery process.

I’ve come a long way.
Two Months Later: How Did the Surgery Go?