Spencer’s to the world: We are transphobic

Trigger Warning

Spencer’s is a US based retailer that specializes in edgy, humorous, whimsical, collectible, novelty, and gag gifts. They carry clothing, jewelry, toys, games, hats, posters and more.  They also carry this incredibly transphobic doll (serious warning here, this is offensive as SHIT):

Here’s the product information:

She’s everything you want in a woman… plus a lil’ something extra! That’s right, this horny gender bender can’t wait to get you alone and show you her “surprise”. Why choose between the sexes when you can have sluts with nuts! All you have to do is give her a little “blow” and she’s yours for the night!

My blood is boiling right now.

The following is the letter I fired off to their Customer Service:

Dear Spencer’s,

Do you know what ‘transphobia’ is?  ‘Transphobia’ is defined as attitudes and feelings of an antagonistic nature directed at transgender individuals. These feelings range from contempt, disgust, fear, anger, or discomfort felt and/or expressed by people who expect others to conform to society’s gender expectations. Transphobia manifests as bullying, oppression, discrimination, brutalizing, raping, mutilating, or murdering people who are or are perceived to be transgender. Transphobia is a problem across the country and has become normalized by people who view transgender individuals as less than human. Mocking or taunting trans men and trans women is demeaning, degrading, and dehumanizing. It denies them their right to exist on their own terms-to move about through life free of oppression and discrimination. One of the most common and horrible ways transgender people are dehumanized is by referring to them as ‘trannies’.

Why do I mention all of that?

It was brought to my attention that you offer a ‘Travel Size Tranny Inflatable Doll’. 

I cannot fully express my level of disgust at this. To treat transgender individuals as the butt of a joke…to point and laugh at them because “hurr hurr, chicks with dicks” is deeply offensive and insulting. Trans women *are* women. Trans men *are* men. They have the right to exist on their own terms. They have the right to be able to participate in society to the extent they choose without being subjected to harassment and mockery because other people cannot deal with their existence. This is a problem faced by black people who were treated as subhumans by white people in this country. This is a problem faced by women who were denied basic human rights by men in this country. This is a problem faced by lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who were denied basic human rights by heterosexuals in this country. In all these cases, whether it is men, heterosexuals, whites, or cisgender individuals, the majority group has historically oppressed the minority group for no other reason than that they exist.

This is unconscionable and inexcusable. That Spencer’s would make available a product that engages in harmful and malicious stereotypes that degrade and demean transgender people is unconscionable and inexcusable. This company should be ashamed of themselves for promoting hatred, bigotry, and transphobia.  It is my hope that whoever is in charge will make the correct decision to not only discontinue the production and sale of this offensive item, but to also issue a full public apology (not a half-hearted not-pology) that makes it clear that the company understands why people are offended. In addition, I hope the company makes an effort to reach out to the transgender community to make amends for their harmful actions.

Please take this criticism into consideration, and I hope you will do the right thing.


Anthony V Thompson Jr.

Spencer’s to the world: We are transphobic

4 thoughts on “Spencer’s to the world: We are transphobic

  1. 1

    I just sent them my own email. On the bright side, all of the product reviews are one star, and they all mentioned the offensive nature of the product. Hopefully that will help convince Spencer’s to take down the item, but to be perfectly honest, I will probably not shop there again even if they do. They’ve already shown that they are unabashedly transphobic, and I do not wish to give a single cent to company who thought there was nothing wrong with selling a product like this.

  2. 2

    I used to drop by Spencer Gifts to look at the cheap wooey jewelry, but I haven’t been there in years – the sexist misogynist “gag” gifts were enough to put me off.

    This – puts them beyond the pale and well into the mire. Not funny, not even remotely. What is wrong with people? Thank you, Tony, for putting out the word, and for taking a stand.

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