Can we have more than suits please?

When finances are better, I like to shop. Household goods. Comic books. Food (food is good and apparently one of those essential things for we humans). And clothes. I like shopping for clothes.  If there were a shopping gene, I have no idea where it would come from. Neither of my parents care to shop all that much, and my mother is a “get in with a list, get it done quickly, and get out”, where I’m a “let’s go spend a weekend at the Mall of America” for fun kinda guy.  I want to linger. I want to go into a kinds of shops and see what is available. I’ll start at one end of the mall and walk across it. Usually I’ll do so before buying anything (unless something just screams at me to buy it). One thing I’ve noticed in all my years of shopping is that men’s clothes are BORING in comparison to women’s.  Especially the dressier attire.  Where women have this


or this

men have this


or this

Oh, and sometimes we even get this

which all look nice, buuuuuuuuuuut where are the diverse colors? Where are the wide array of alternate designs? Where are the dress clothes that are not blazer/slacks/shoes? Why is it when it comes to men’s dress attire, our options are so damn limited?  I have, in the past, liked to dress up, but I don’t like dress shoes. I have wide flat feet and most of the dress shoes I’ve worn are not comfortable. I don’t like ties because I get the feeling of being choked, and blazers are just ‘eh’ to me. Most settings, I’d take it off.  I’d rather have some diversity in dress styles.  I mean for crissakes, even if you just look at women’s dresses, there is a huge diversity in the styles, colors, patterns, lengths, textures…the whole nine yards.  Plus, women aren’t limited to dresses when they want to wear something impressive. While I’m sure men aren’t completely without options, for the most part, if you’re a man who’s wanting to dress up and look spectacular–it’s a suit and tie.  Can we get a bit more than that please?

Can we have more than suits please?