Sniff Sniff I smell a bigot!

Yesterday I was worthy of death because raging asshole Mr. Chaps thinks homosexuals make baby jesus cry (actually he thinks worse than that; even among homophobes, many don’t support killing gay people, unlike Chappy McChaperson). Today, in an attempt to outdo that homophobic bigotry, I got a lovely message from one Justin Raimondo (he is the editorial director of the libertarian leaning site AntiWar)

mongrel breed

That was it. Was this racist bigot so flummoxed that he could only string together two words? Was a full sentence beyond his ability to craft?  Was he too distracted by FOX News or Atlas Shrugged? I don’t know, nor do I know why he chose to target me with his hate (but then why does any bigot target someone). What I do know is that people like that really don’t like changes to the status quo. They don’t want homosexuality to be normalized. They don’t want People of Color to be recognized as people who can and do contribute to society.


It means their power is diminishing. It means that all the attention isn’t on them any longer. It means that other people who are not them exist and have experiences they want to share. And there are people who want to meet them. There are people who want to learn from them. There are people who want to interact with them. The bigots can’t accept that. They can’t accept that they don’t get to run things anymore…that they aren’t the center of attention and the world doesn’t revolve around them or cater to their every whim. So they lash out. They scream and rant and rage (look at assholes like Ted Nugent) and demand that oppressed people sit down and shut up. They don’t want oppressed people to have the same rights they enjoy. Heavens to betsy no! That would be like thinking that PoC, or LGBT people, or women have the same rights as everyone else.  That they have just as much right to exist and participate in society as the bigots do. This gets the bigots all flustered. Which, despite the prejudice and the hate they spew, makes me hapy.  Because you see Cap’n Bigot, we minority groups are here to stay. You’re not going to shove us back in the closet. You’re not going to silence us. And you, you pathetic shitstains, are part of a dying breed of people…a dying way of thinking…a regressive, conservative mentality that is at odds with the modern world.  And that’s why you’re lashing out. Rather than join the rest of humanity in the 21st century and embrace multiculturalism, you want to wallow in the past, when you enjoyed all the privileged accorde to you, and when people like you ran roughshod over the rest of us. All too well do I know that there are still plenty of hateful people like Justin Raimondo in the world, but there are also a lot of wonderful people who will not be quiet and they won’t go away. In some ways I feel sorry for people like Justin Raimondo. Limiting your circle of friends to people who look like you limits the potential experiences you could have throughout life. There are a great many wonderful people in the world, but bigots like Raimondo will never appreciate the diversity of human experiences so long as they remain trapped in the past, mired in their irrational hatred.

Sniff Sniff I smell a bigot!

4 thoughts on “Sniff Sniff I smell a bigot!

  1. 2

    Ew, what a shitstain, this guy.

    I’m not even sure what he hoped to accomplish with that little brain dropping. I guess maybe just to spread a little more hate around, cause dog knows we dont have enough of that.

  2. 3

    I guess he was trying to stink up my metaphorical house. Didn’t work though. That’s what moderation is for. He’s a libertarian though, so he probably think I’m violating his Frozen Peaches by not releasing him from moderation.

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