Your Daily Dose of Devastating Cute

Starspider likes to do this thing where she tries to make me go into a diabetic coma at work. She sends me stuff like this:

Kitteh surrogate for babie duckies
Something about this is just Not Right.

I’ve heard burdens are easier to bear when others can help you carry the load. Please help me…. Continue reading “Your Daily Dose of Devastating Cute”

Your Daily Dose of Devastating Cute

Sunday Song: Autumn Interlude

You know how you hear a word that you weren’t paying much attention to, and suddenly it’s everywhere? Yeah. That’s happening with autumn. Here I am, minding my own business, listening to my new favorite radio app Jango (ha ha ha fuck you and your intrusive ads, Pandora!), and thinking I had autumn songs sewn up already because, hey, I have a whole bloody playlist full of ’em – then they hit me with two more. And they are gorgeous.

First, though, a photo to get you all in the mood. Continue reading “Sunday Song: Autumn Interlude”

Sunday Song: Autumn Interlude

Geology is Best With Kittehs!

Oh, I see what you’re up to, PZ. Your stealth attack, meant to divide my loyalties and my loves, was clever. Cats vs. Rocks! Declare rock the winner, and Dana and her cat-loving rock fiend friends will have no choice but to admit rocks are cooler than cats!

It was a nice try, my friend. Bravo. Well played. However, you were pwned before you posted. Continue reading “Geology is Best With Kittehs!”

Geology is Best With Kittehs!

Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Geologist Bird

This is another UFD from Eskered, and I think it is my favorite. I teased it a while back, saying “There’s one, especially, that geologists are going to identify with. It’s definitely our kind o’ bird.” RQ hazarded a guess as to what that might be. It was an excellent guess, but rocks are only one aspect to being a geologist.

The other is, of course, beer. Continue reading “Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Geologist Bird”

Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Geologist Bird

Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Sunflower Lovers

These are going to be dead easy for you, but they are tremendously exciting for me. This is because, when I go to Oregon, the local birds usually say, “Not a bloody chance, mate” and fly into hiding. This time, though, many were quite willing to pose. Perhaps it was the lovely Goldener Oktober weather. Maybe they were taking pity because I’d quit smoking, or thought I only had months to live. I don’t know. Whatever the reason, I’ll go with it. Continue reading “Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Sunflower Lovers”

Unidentified Flying Dinosaur: Sunflower Lovers

Mystery Flora: Purple Pinwheel

This is a common little flower, and I don’t imagine it will tax your powers of identification overmuch. And it’s not like I haven’t got a great many flower photos featuring much more spectacular flora. But this single, simple blossom down by the Marys River is one of my favorites.

Mystery Flora I
Mystery Flora I

I must have seen these a thousand times. But I’ve never really stopped for them before. I didn’t even see this one, but Lockwood did, and mentioned it, and there’s just something about this half-hidden bloom, a solitary survivor at the end of summer. It was nestled calmly amongst dying plants and brambles. It looks completely unconcerned about the coming winter.

And it’s unremarkable, as I said. Thousands like them every year. They’re ubiquitous, so common you don’t really notice them. Not until they’re the only flower left on a riverbank. Then you stop for a closer look. Let’s zoom in. Continue reading “Mystery Flora: Purple Pinwheel”

Mystery Flora: Purple Pinwheel

Is There a Herp in the House?

We have a reader who’d like an ident on this gentlesnake:

Unidentified Apple Purveyor

And another off-topic; but I know this is the place for mystery stuff to get a positive ID!

Any Herpers here? Found this sunning itself, completely oblivious to the killer kittehs prowling about, in my driveway this morning (central Mississippi) About 10-11″ long. Pretty sure it’s Storeria dekayi – DeKay’s Brown Snake – but would like to be sure before I let it chew on my fingers.

I’ve no idea meself. I can identify garter snakes, and rattlesnakes, and if I see it move, I can tell you a sidewinder from a normal slitherer. But this, no. And someone’s fingers are at stake. Also, they go by the handle Comfychair, which is a name to warm the heart of any Doctor Who fan. So, my darlings, can you help?

Is There a Herp in the House?