Thank You for My New Work Backpack!

So, I needed to get a backpack for work. I have nothing suitable for hoofing it through the streets of Seattle – the backpack I do have is too rough for wearing all day, and it’s a weird design that doesn’t hold a lot of stuff well, and it’s got rock dust all up in it anyway. One of you kindly donated enough for me to go shopping. I hoofed it down to the thrift store and began digging.

They were having a 50% off sale. I’d wanted a backpack that cost around $5. I wanted it to be soft and breathable and light. And… I found one that fit those criteria. Continue reading “Thank You for My New Work Backpack!”

Thank You for My New Work Backpack!

The ETEV Pledge Drive Continues! Help Keep the Verdad Flowing!

Thanks to very generous donors, Misha and I are fed for the month and one of our major bills is paid – just in the nick of time! Thank you so much! You’re all amazing and we love you to bits.

Image shows an orange tabby winking at the camera with its mouth open. Caption says, "Who's awesome? You're awesome!"

We’ve still got to make rent and insurance, and we’re trying to cover expenses for next month as well. I’ll be running the fundraiser all week. If you can help out, we’d appreciate it so much! Even small amounts help.


If you can’t afford to help out, no worries – we’ve all been there! But you can still help us by sharing my posts, and pointing people towards my other income streams: Continue reading “The ETEV Pledge Drive Continues! Help Keep the Verdad Flowing!”

The ETEV Pledge Drive Continues! Help Keep the Verdad Flowing!

You, My Readers, Are The Best!

I asked you for help making my rent and car payments for this month, and you came through! Thanks to your donations and my blogging income, I was able to pay the bills and eat and continue writing. None of that would be possible without you.

Image shows the Eleventh Doctor, pointing at someone off-camera. Caption says, "Who's awesome? You're awesome!"

That’s right – you are! I’ll never stop being grateful several times a day, every single day, for you, my darlings.

If you want to help keep the geology and social justice flowing here in the cantina, there’s several ways available. Continue reading “You, My Readers, Are The Best!”

You, My Readers, Are The Best!

This Atheist Has Lots to Be Thankful For

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the USA. For those celebrating, I hope you had a reasonably good time with the minimum of irritations and indigestion. For those who were protesting, I hope you got a good response. It pays to remember that our history is complex and quite often not very nice.

Thanksgiving has often been a day filled with family and friends for me, but it’s also frequently a holiday where Misha and I take the opportunity to celebrate alone. This year, we were going to entertain a friend who’s just had surgery, but her caretaker decided to stay in town and they had a quiet feast of their own. I didn’t know for sure until the last minute, so I declined plans with another friend, and by the time the day rolled around, I was feeling like having an introvert’s Thanksgiving, so I turned down an offer from my housemate to tag along to another gathering. I had everything I needed for a feast. I had a ton of editing to do. I was happy staying home alone! All of this to say: don’t worry a bit that it was just me and my kitty and Facebook. We love our solitary holidays.

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Continue reading “This Atheist Has Lots to Be Thankful For”

This Atheist Has Lots to Be Thankful For

Lookit the Beauty You Got Me! You Are All So AWESOME!

Oh, my darlings, we are back in business! Thanks to you, I was able to get a gorgeous new HP Pavillion last night. Mind you, I only intended to price a few machines and do some further research, but Office Depot had a superfast, superpowerful laptop on a smokin’ hot sale ending yesterday, so here we are today!

Image shows a silver HP laptop still in its protective plastic bag.
Our new baby!

Continue reading “Lookit the Beauty You Got Me! You Are All So AWESOME!”

Lookit the Beauty You Got Me! You Are All So AWESOME!

Moving Day is a Very Dangerous Day

Well, my darlings, we made it.

I won’t say I’m happily ensconced in the new place. I hated leaving my peaceful apartment behind, with the dragonflies in the back yard, and the hummingbirds that would sometimes hover by the porch and demand I put in a feeder. I miss living alone already. And Misha is outraged by the entire notion of another kitty in the house. Just wait til the dog gets home – it’s currently on tour with its owner. It’ll take some adjustment for all of us. Continue reading “Moving Day is a Very Dangerous Day”

Moving Day is a Very Dangerous Day

Thank You, Everyone! We Appear to be Domiciled!

I say appear to be, because the process of finding a new place to live has been so fraught that I probably won’t feel like we’ve got a home until we’ve been living there for about ten years. But we did it! We found a place! Alas, the awesome atheist feminist was snagged before we could claim him, but Misha and I are moving to a beautiful old Lake City home that has a HUGE backyard. We’re moving in with a selection of eclectic artist types who understand the vagaries of the freelance life. It’s going to be wooville what with the shaman/accupuncturist in the place downstairs, but hey, as long as he’s not promising he can cure cancer, that should be all right, too. Continue reading “Thank You, Everyone! We Appear to be Domiciled!”

Thank You, Everyone! We Appear to be Domiciled!

You All Are Bloody Amazing!

So a week ago, I came to you, hat in hand, begging for some help to keep me and my elderly kitty from ending up living in a Honda Civic. I mean, it’s a reasonably nice car, but a little cramped and not at all secure. I didn’t really expect much, but hoped for enough to pay for an extended-stay hotel room while I looked for work.

Thanks to your efforts, I have some leads on great places to live, and I can continue writing full-time this summer. You’re that incredible! Continue reading “You All Are Bloody Amazing!”

You All Are Bloody Amazing!

Yay, Happy Customers! Thank You!

I want to extend a heartfelt “THANK YOU THANKYOU!” to all the folks who ordered my geopunny products over the holiday season. You’re the best customers ever! B and I had a lot of fun making you wonderful stuff, and it looks like many of you had a lot of fun getting your gifties: Continue reading “Yay, Happy Customers! Thank You!”

Yay, Happy Customers! Thank You!

One Rope Across the Chasm

Excellent. Ophelia Benson and Richard Dawkins together have managed to pull a rope tight.

Joint statement by Ophelia Benson and Richard Dawkins

It’s not news that allies can’t always agree on everything. People who rely on reason rather than dogma to think about the world are bound to disagree about some things.

Disagreement is inevitable, but bullying and harassment are not. If we want secularism and atheism to gain respect, we have to be able to disagree with each other without trying to destroy each other.

In other words we have to be able to manage disagreement ethically, like reasonable adults, as opposed to brawling like enraged children who need a nap. It should go without saying, but this means no death threats, rape threats, attacks on people’s appearance, age, race, sex, size, haircut; no photoshopping people into demeaning images, no vulgar epithets.

[Read the rest. Especially those drive-by slimers who seem to think they’re on Team Dawkins. My, don’t you have a nasty shock coming?]

Can that particular divide be bridged? Continue reading “One Rope Across the Chasm”

One Rope Across the Chasm