Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

I’m getting way the fuck behind on snippets. So, my darlings, bung on your bell bottoms, grab a feather boa, beehive your hair, and prepare to get pissed in every sense: we’re going retro today.

First and foremost, Al Sharpton has lost what little is left of his fucking mind (via Secher Nbiw, by way of the Curvature):

Do you remember the Dunbar Village rape case? I’m not sure how you could forget; this is the case where a woman was gang raped by 10 men in her own home for over three hours, forced to have sex with her own 12-year-old son and survived an attempt to light both of them on fire. In an update that is a couple of weeks old but I’m just hearing from now via Document the Silence, Al Sharpton and the NAACP are taking to the streets to defend the four arrested rapists. This is despite conclusive DNA evidence and apparent photographic evidence that the rapists took on their cell phones during the attack. [emphasis added]

I’m fucking speechless. Rape is bad enough. Having a prominent reverend and the fucking NAACP speaking out on the rapists’ behalf when the evidence is this solid – that’s just outrageous. It’s a disgusting thing to do to a rape victim. And you know why they’re marching? Because some white men accused of raping some teenaged girls after getting them drunk were freed on bond.

Here’s a solution for you: don’t agitate for the violent black rapists to be set free. Agitate for the white rapist pieces of shit to be locked up right there with them. That sounds a lot more fucking rational to me. Then again, what the fuck did Sharpton ever know about rational?

NAACP, I expected better of you.

Time for some schadenfreude. I need something to warm my heart after that, and this just about does the trick:

A year ago, the Mortgage Bankers Association was thrilled to sign a contract to buy a fancy new headquarters building in downtown Washington. Interest rates were low, the group’s revenues were steady and the prospects for quickly renting out part of the structure were strong.

But since then, the association has fallen on tough times as many of the subprime mortgages dispensed by some of its members proved dicey. Borrowers discovered the loans were more costly than they had anticipated. Foreclosures soared, and cheap, inexpensive credit dried up, slowing the economy.

The result: The trade group is about to find it harder than it imagined to pay its own mortgage.

I do so love it when corporations feel the same pain as the ordinary folk, don’t you?

On to obligatory McCain bashing: I do believe the Straight Talk Express has completely broken down:

For an advocate of straight talk and government transparency, John McCain has been less than clear with a voter-education nonprofit, on whose board he serves, about why he hasn’t responded to its survey of issue positions. Now, after nine months, 17 phone calls, and 8 emails asking McCain to state exactly where he stands on key issues, Montana-based Project Vote Smart is poised to kick McCain off its board later this week.


Currently, this message appears when you look for McCain’s response to the Political Courage Test on the PVS website:

Senator John Sidney McCain III repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff.

Senators Clinton and Obama haven’t gotten off their asses to take the test, either, but then again, they’re not on the fucking board. So while I don’t cut them much slack on this, they get more than John “Straight Talk Except It’s Actually Crooked” McSame.

Ah, well. Today’s the day he gets his flabby white arse booted, and to that, I raise a glass and say “Bueno!”

Happy Hour Discurso

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