Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

It ain’t just the Department of Justice that’s filled with partisan political hacks. We’d do well to remember that Bush’s plan to infest the entire government with loyal Bushies doesn’t begin and end there:

The Department of Justice has been taking a lot of heat lately for the inspector general’s report detailing pervasive, illegal partisanship among upper-level officials.

But former employees from the Office of Special Counsel say they’ve been complaining about the exact same problems for more than three years, and the White House is blocking a public report about misconduct in that office.


A lawyer for the former employees, Avi Kumin, wrote a letter today to the White House Counsel, urging for a formal, public report.

Kumin rattled off several examples of parallels between DOJ and Bloch’s office.

My clients’ complaint reported that OSC officials hired several career employees primarily because they attended the Christian, conservative (and at the time only provisionally accredited) Ave Maria Law School. …

My clients reported years ago that Mr. Bloch fired them because of their perceived sexual orientation or perceived support for enforcing sexual orientation protections for federal employees. …

My clients’ compliant about OSC raised significant evidence that Mr. Bloch and his staff evaluated whistleblower and Hatch Act investigations based on partisan politics.

Ave Maria Law School. That sounds legitimate. I thought they only hired from Liberty University – guess it didn’t matter where you got your piece of paper as long as it was stamped by neo-theo-con lackwits who would’ve given a million dollars for the opportunity to personally plant their lips on Bush’s butt cheeks.

We’re going to be decades sweeping up this mess.

We’re not likely to get any help from les enfants terrible:

House conservatives engaged in political theater today, storming the floor after Congress was adjourned “to attack Democrats for leaving town without doing something to lower gas prices.” Politico reports, “At one point, the lights went off in the House and the microphones were turned off in the chamber, meaning Republicans were talking in the dark.”

“Bring the Congress back. Let’s have a real up or down vote,” House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) proclaimed. In fact, there was a real up or down vote on gas prices just two days before. And Boehner is well aware of it because he was responsible for ensuring it didn’t pass. Dan Weiss explains on the Wonk Room what occurred this week:

During yesterday’s vote on the Commodity Markets and Transparency Act (H.R. 6604) to rein in oil profiteers, House Republican leaders pressured 13 of their members to switch their vote from “yes” to “no.” Thanks to these strong arm tactics and weak members, the bill to lower gasoline prices by controlling profiteers failed by a vote of 276-151, falling ten votes shy of the two-thirds majority required for passage under the suspension of the House rules. Once again, the GOP leadership used their power to help keep oil prices and profits high, while hurting the average driver.

Boehner strong-armed his own conservative members to ensure a bill didn’t pass because he wanted to engage in today’s political theatrics. After killing a bill that would have addressed gas prices, House conservatives have decided they want to blow hot air in the dark.

Get that? Playing martyr was so important to these fuckwits that they engineered a defeat they could then decry. Dday compares them to a bunch of 9 year-olds on a sleepover, but he’s being too generous – I’ve known kindergarteners more mature than this. Our fellow countrymen really have elected into office the most immature, inane, and tantrum-prone bunch of buffoons they could possibly find. I hope to fuck enough of the voting public grows up this election cycle to realize that maybe real adults could do a wee bit o’ a better job governing the damned country.

But that doesn’t seem likely. Our fellow Americans are all too willing to swallow any feel-good lie they can find:

Up until a couple of months ago, John McCain was strongly opposed to expansive coastal drilling, arguing that it was a bad idea that would do nothing to help consumers. Then, as the political winds shifted, McCain shifted with them, and exploited public frustration for all its worth. He effectively told voters, “Wait, did I say coastal drilling wouldn’t help? I meant coastal drilling is great!”

Barack Obama, meanwhile, has stood firmly behind a reality-based policy, trying to explain to the public that drilling won’t help. To date, his efforts haven’t exactly paid off — polls show Americans endorsing this dumb idea in huge numbers, and Obama’s policy has become the McCain campaign’s biggest and most frequent target.

With that in mind, yesterday, Obama shifted a bit. It’s probably not quite fair to characterize this as a complete reversal — Obama thought coastal drilling was a bad policy before, and he thinks it’s a bad policy now — but just yesterday, I praised Obama for sticking to his guns on this. A few hours later, he became considerably more flexible.


I would have much preferred to see Obama continue to reject this obvious and transparent nonsense out of hand. He’s been treating voters like grown-ups, telling them the truth.

But it hasn’t been working.

I looked at this week’s CNN poll with some amazement. A combined 83% of Americans believe “federal laws that prohibit increased drilling for oil offshore or in wilderness areas” are contributing to high gas prices. A combined 69% support “increased offshore drilling,” which is similar to the numbers in other polls.

Republicans have been screaming about drilling at the top of their lungs,
the media has been treating the GOP position has a legitimate policy, and voters are so filled with anxiety, the desperation has clouded their judgment. It’s a difficult environment for a presidential candidate to say, “You’re all completely wrong.”

I was talking to a friend this week who does focus-group work, and he told me that even Dems and self-described environmentalists have been hedging on this issue — saying things like, “Maybe we should invest in more alternative energies and expand drilling. You know, best of both worlds.”

Yup. No interest in reality whatsoever. And here I used to think that a respectable number of the people who lean liberal had a decent handle on a) facts, even when unpleasant and b) how to avoid getting sucked in by Republicon lies. But if they can get hoodwinked by something so blatantly false as the drilling = solution schtick, even my qualified optimism was sadly misplaced.

You want some truth? I’ll give you some for free. Even if offshore drilling would help relieve the pain at the pump (which it won’t), it’ll cost us far more in environmental damage later on. This is like a heroin addict believing everything’s okay as long as they can find just one more vein, while the real solution was to just stop fucking using heroin.

After all that depressing news, isn’t there one bright spot in the firmament of American pollyticks? Isn’t there some glimmer of optimism, some chance that some good will be done?

There surely is:

Last Friday, police in Des Moines, Iowa arrested four people who attempted to make a citizens’ arrest of former top White House aide Karl Rove, who was in town to speak at a GOP fundraiser. A retired minister and three members of the Des Moines Catholic Workers community were cited for trespassing. However, according to a press release, the judge presiding over the case praised their efforts:

[Mona] Shaw was the first called before Polk County Fifth Judicial District Associate Judge William Price.

After entering her plea, the judge asked Shaw, “Mamn [sic], what were you doing at the Wakonda Country Club?”

“I was attempting to make a citizen’s arrest of Karl Rove, your honor,” Shaw answered.

“Well,” the judge looked up and said, “it’s about time.”

You betcha.

Happy Hour Discurso

Thoughtful (If Snarky) Answers to Thoughtless Questions

One of the things that stood out like a red coat on a soldier during the whole cracker debacle was the sheer quantity of snivelling. In a thousand permutations, the charming and concerned Christians raised the cry: “Why don’t you desecrate the Koran? Why are you always picking on Christianity? Wah!”

Religious fuckwits being religious fuckwits (and mind, we’re not talking about the Christians here at the cantina who responded with rationality, restraint, and no little amount of hysterical laughter over the antics of their “brethren”), they decided the answer must be: “PZ’s afraid of the scary Mooslims!!1!!!11!”

In a word, no. And he proved that. The Koran ended up nailed to The God Delusion and the cracker, and all ended up in the trash, a vile act of desecration the Muslims have yet to start sending death threats over. To an atheist, no religion’s paraphenalia is sacred. And it’s not fear that keeps us from bashing Islam with the same abandon with which we bash fundamentalist Christianity.

It’s prevalence.

That simple.

You may have noticed that I don’t spend a vast amount of time around here unleashing the Smack-o-Matic 3000 upon the Animal Liberation Front, Harlequin Romances, white supremacists, or any one of ten thousand other ridiculous groups or detriments to culture. I might reach over and give any one of them a sharp rap on the knuckles from time to time, but I won’t dedicate multiple posts to them.

They have no power.

They don’t have the numbers, the organization, or the importance to be any great threat to my way of life, and there’s only so much stupid I can handle in a day. They’re not a priority.

Now, I know what the outraged little rabid Christians are going to scream: “But it was Islamofascists who attacked America!”

Yes, indeed, ’twas. And it was the born-again fuckwit in office who allowed them to succeed. It’s the cons in power who used that one terrible day to push through their religious and political agenda.

I know who the greater threat is, thanks ever so much. A handful of fanatics trickling in from overseas have got nothing on the native-born God brigade here.

Muslims haven’t achieved the kind of political power in this country that threatens the Constitution, no more than ALF has. They don’t have the kind of numbers to try to impose their religious fuckery by legislative fiat on this society. I don’t see Muslims getting themselves elected to school boards so they can sneak Intelligent Design and God into the classroom. I don’t see Muslims in high office doing everything they possibly can to create a theocracy. Until they have political and social power, fundamentalist Muslims just don’t matter much to me on a day-to-day basis.

They pop up their heads, I’ll be happy to use the Smack-o-Matic to play whack-a-mole before they get out of hand. Until then, I’m frantically busy with our own batshit insane theocons, thanks ever so much.

And there’s another important component here. They’ve never had power in this country. They’re a minority. They’ve got all they can handle trying to keep the old, established, have-to-make-up-persecutions-because-they’re-not-actually-persecuted Christians from destroying them.

Do you hear of Christians getting racially profiled at airports? No.

Christian phones being tapped without warrants simply because, as Christians, they’re assumed to be terrorists? No.

Is it Christians being tortured in Guantanamo Bay? No.

Is Monkey Boy George a fundamentalist Muslim? No.

Are Muslim universities turning out droves of right-wing asshats who then go on to infest every level of our government and come up with creative explanations as to why torture is perfectly legal? No.

Christians, on the other hand, have had vast power in this country from the bloody beginning, and they keep demanding more. So, while I might find Islam just as ridiculous as Christianity, and I despise fundamentalism of all stripes, I’m more inclined to give the few fundamentalist Muslims in this country a wee bit o’ a pass. So what if they want to impose Sharia law and all manner of other fuckery on us? It’s not even vaguely possible for them to do so at the moment, and in the meantime, they’re suffering really real persecution for being brown and calling God by the wrong name. My morals tell me you don’t apply the spiked boots to the bloke bleeding on the floor.

When the fucker gets up is a whole other matter. We’re not there yet.

You won’t see me being gentle on terrorists. You won’t see me indulging overwhelming religious stupidity just because the perpetrators happen to be a minority – if we have even a hint of what Denmark faced with the outrageous reaction to a few tasteless cartoons, you can bet the Smack-o-Matic’s coming out. But I’m not going to go out of my way searching out examples of fundamentalist Islamic stupidity out of some misguided attempt at balance.

Do I fear the reaction if I piss off the Islamic fundamentalists, who have at times demonstrated a rather distressing tendency to respond to ridicule with violence? No.

Listen. All a Muslim fanatic has the power to do right now is kill me. A Christian fanatic, on the other hand, has the power to destroy everything in my life that made it worth living.

You tell me what I should fear more.
Thoughtful (If Snarky) Answers to Thoughtless Questions

Popular Tastes Frighten Me

I took some time away from the blogging to mess about with Project Playlist and my Amazon recommendations. The results have been instructive.

First off, it disturbs me that Amazon thinks I want Madonna CDs just because I bought Duran Duran and U2. They need to develop a smarter program, one that can look at the totality of purchases and say, “While Dana might appreciate a few cheesy pop bands, things like Madonna are right out. Let’s not make her want to projectile vomit this evening.”

Second thing, I can pretty much tell just from the search results if I’m going to like the music. If the artist search returns more than a few selections, it’s probably not my cup o’ tea.

It’s an interesting aspect of my psychology. There are a few things that take the culture at large by storm that I adore – take Batman, for instance – but my tastes usually run to the obscure. I don’t usually run with the pop culture crowd. When I worked for a bookstore, I was able to determine which books would make me want to flick a Bic by the number of people salivating over them. That helped me avoid a lot of utter crap. Like John Gray. *Shudder.*

Music’s no different. People love to ask me what I listen to, and when I tell them they’ve never heard of it, they get all puffed-up. “I have eclectic tastes!” they announce. “Bet you I’ll know it!”

After I’ve bludgeoned them with Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, Operatica, Epica, Sirenia, and Blind Guardian, they usually give up, eyes glazed and neurons fused. There’s only so many times you can ask, “What kind of music are they?” before you realize you owe me a dollar.

Thanks to Amazon and Project Playlist, I’ll now have a new batch of fun. How many here have heard of Delain? Combichrist? Helium Vola? Estampie? Jon Oliva’s Pain?

I thought as much. But that’s okay – my tastes aren’t your tastes. Understandable.

The thing that really climbs up my nose is when people who listen to every pop phenomenon that hits the airwaves, watch every episode of Survivor, and read whatever tripe Danielle Steele’s spewed out now try to claim they’re eclectic. Loving everything everybody else does doesn’t make you eclectic – it just means you’re a trend slave. Which can be fun and fulfilling, I’m sure, but for fuck’s sake, know your limits. Don’t try to go head-to-head with a black metal chick with a heavy appreciation of the symphonic who didn’t pass out when read Chuck Palahniuk’s story “Guts.”

It’s an accomplishment:

While on his 2003 tour to promote his novel Diary, Palahniuk read to his audiences a short story titled “Guts”, a tale of accidents involving masturbation, which appears in his book Haunted. It was reported that to that point, 40 people had fainted while listening to the readings.[13] Playboy magazine would later publish the story in their March 2004 issue; Palahniuk offered to let them publish another story along with it, but the publishers found the second work too disturbing.

And if you want to know the truth, Chuck’s works disturb me a lot less than pop culture. I just don’t get pop phenomina. And it frankly terrifies me that millions upon millions of people’s imaginations get captured by such things as Brittany Spears.

Paris Hilton.

American Idol.

Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Excuse me, please. I suddenly feel faint…
Popular Tastes Frighten Me

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

Remember when I told you that if we didn’t stand up and start screaming, we could kiss our civil liberties goodbye? Hate to say I told you so:

Federal agents may take a traveler’s laptop computer or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed.

Also, officials may share copies of the laptop’s contents with other agencies and private entities for language translation, data decryption or other reasons, according to the policies, dated July 16 and issued by two DHS agencies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“The policies . . . are truly alarming,” said Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), who is probing the government’s border search practices. He said he intends to introduce legislation soon that would require reasonable suspicion for border searches, as well as prohibit profiling on race, religion or national origin.

Russ Feingold is the most stalwart ally we have in this fight. I’ll keep you posted on any developments on that legislation, and let’s make sure our Congresscritters hear our message loud and clear: this blanket surveillance shit, this evisceration of the Fourth Amendment, has to stop.

I’m not terribly hopeful we’ll find many allies on the conservative side of the aisle. After all, they can’t even wrap their heads around basic auto maintenance, much less civil liberties:

Barack Obama reminded an audience yesterday that American consumers can save money and improve fuel efficiency by keeping their tired [sic] inflated and getting regular tune-ups. I thought this was just common sense, and one of those simple steps that everyone already knew about.

Apparently, Republicans have decided that it’s worthy of mockery.

“[Obama] suggested we put air in our tires to save on gas,” McCain told a group of voters. “My friends, let’s do that, but do you think that’s enough to break our dependence on Middle Eastern oil? I don’t think so.”

Well, Obama didn’t say we could break our dependence if we inflated our tires; he said we could save money and improve fuel efficiency. It won’t “break our dependence on Middle Eastern oil” if we open up more of America’s coastlines to oil drilling, either, but it’s suddenly become the basis for McCain’s entire energy policy.

But it seems Republicans really are worked up about this tire thing.


Ben at TP set the record straight.

Is making sure your car tires are inflated properly to save energy and gas money “loony tunes?” The federal government doesn’t think so. Neither does the auto industry.

The Department of Energy estimates that (based on gas costing $3.96/gallon), “you can improve your gas mileage by around 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure” which would ultimately save “up to $0.12/gallon” or, nearly the amount of the federal gas tax ($0.18/gallon), a tax Gingrich supports repealing. Moreover, the auto industry agrees with DoE’s assessment.

But more importantly, Obama is correct to suggest that inflating tires properly and getting regular tune-ups “could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling” — and by a long shot. According to the Energy Information Administration, if Congress lifted the moratorium on offshore drilling, by 2030, oil crude production in the “lower-48″ outer continental shelf will increase by about 200 thousand barrels per day. By contrast, the production offset based on Obama’s proposal will likely approach 800 thousand barrels per day, immediately.

Ah, but you see, the facts don’t matter to Republicons. If a Democrat tells them water’s wet, they’ll be queuing up to declare that water is, in fact, absolutely dry. There’s no stupidity quite like ideological stupidity, is there?

Well, corporate stupidity runs a fairly close second:

About a month ago, Newsweek reported that Wal-Mart, after years of embracing conservative politics, was beginning to draw some criticism from the right. In particular, some conservatives believe the retail behemoth was “being too nice to unions.”

It seemed like an odd complaint, given that Wal
-Mart has been vehemently anti-labor since, well, forever. But in case there were any lingering doubts, consider this
front-page report in the Wall Street Journal. (thanks to R.P. for the heads-up)

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is mobilizing its store managers and department supervisors around the country to warn that if Democrats win power in November, they’ll likely change federal law to make it easier for workers to unionize companies — including Wal-Mart.

In recent weeks, thousands of Wal-Mart store managers and department heads have been summoned to mandatory meetings at which the retailer stresses the downside for workers if stores were to be unionized.

According to about a dozen Wal-Mart employees who attended such meetings in seven states, Wal-Mart executives claim that employees at unionized stores would have to pay hefty union dues while getting nothing in return, and may have to go on strike without compensation. Also, unionization could mean fewer jobs as labor costs rise.

A Wal-Mart customer-service supervisor from Missouri, who attended a mandatory meeting of store employees, told the WSJ, “The meeting leader said, ‘I am not telling you how to vote, but if the Democrats win, this bill will pass and you won’t have a vote on whether you want a union.’ I am not a stupid person. They were telling me how to vote.”

Indeed they were. Something tells me this is most likely totally fucking illegal and will come back to not only bite them in the arse, but rip gaping holes in ye olde butt cheeks in the not-too-distant future.

I can but dream.

Happy Hour Discurso

Friday Favorite Cheesiness

I think we’re going to start a new tradition ’round here: Friday Favorites. It’s the end of the week and we deserve a bit o’ fun, do we not?

This week’s Friday Favorite is all about the cheese. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

1. Favorite cheesy movie: I’ll take two. First, Lost Boys. That’s got to be the absolute cheesiest vampire movie of all time, complete with outrageous howler of a one-liner at the end. But my favorite scene in that movie is when the “heroes” come boiling out of the vampire cave screaming “Start the car!”

Garrett and I have lived that scene, back in our younger days when we went to scary remote places and terrified ourselves at every little noise. Nothing like going back to the car because you’re in a dark, isolated, eerie forest hearing things follow you up the hillside, and a few moments later hearing your friends screaming “Start the car! Start the fucking car!” as they come pelting down the path. And so, when we watched Lost Boys and saw that scene, we had to stop the movie while we laughed our guts out.

Secondly, Austin Powers. My friends had to drag me. “It’s a stupid spy spoof about the Sixties,” I whined as they frog-marched me into the theater. “I hate the Sixties!” By the end of the movie, I sounded like a deformed hippie and was in search of a feather boa. Yeah, baby! I ended up commissioned to dozens of our call center’s Valentine’s Day bags because I went with an Austin Powers theme on mine – “This is my bag, baby, yeah!”

2. Favorite cheesy band: The Wazoos. I can’t find their music online, but they’re a great little local Northern Arizona band. They did polka and Iron Butterfly covers. They did an acapella version of Helter Skelter, for fuck’s sake. How cool is that? They’re awesome great fun, and I once got my jacket signed by them. If only the ink hadn’t rubbed off…

3. Favorite cheesy website: Homestarrunner.com. Strong Bad’s email, wherein he provides advice on death metal. Oh, fuck yeah! Just go watch it.

4. Favorite cheesy fill-in-the-blank: I’ll be magnanamous and allow you to choose your own cheese. I’m going with a comic book: The Tick. What’s not to love about a clueless superhero based on a bloodsucking insect, whose sidekick is an accountant in a moth suit? Join me in the famous battlecry: SPOON!

And the one-liners. “I shall call you Speak, because that’s what you do.” “Can’t. Do. Plaid.” “He likes me to wear it open.” “Heh heh. That’s not rational, is it?” “Well, that guy’s nekkid.”

Over to you, my darlings. Name your cheese.

Friday Favorite Cheesiness

Big Oil Hearts McCain After Flip-Flop

My, my my. Look whose pockets are being emptied on McCain’s behalf:

Campaign contributions from oil industry executives to Sen. John McCain rose dramatically in the last half of June, after the senator from Arizona made a high-profile split with environmentalists and reversed his opposition to the federal ban on offshore drilling.

Oil and gas industry executives and employees donated $1.1 million to McCain last month — three-quarters of which came after his June 16 speech calling for an end to the ban — compared with $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May.

Looks like someone’s hoping to buy themselves a senator. $1.1 million’s a pretty good return on a craven partisian policy reversal, wouldn’t you say? Still not enough to buy a presidency, but give them time – they’ve got very deep pockets indeed, thanks to the fact they’re making record profits as we scrounge in the couch for enough change to buy 1/200 of a tank of gas.

But the amount of money, though impressive, isn’t the interesting thing here. The timing of McCain’s big “let’s drill everywhere, environment be damned!” speech is instructive:

McCain delivered the speech before heading to Texas for a series of fundraisers with energy industry executives, and the day after the speech he raised $1.3 million at a private luncheon and reception at the San Antonio Country Club, according to local news accounts.

“The timing was significant,” said David Donnelly, the national campaigns director of the Public Campaign Action Fund, a nonpartisan campaign finance reform group that conducted the analysis of McCain’s oil industry contributions. “This is a case study of how a candidate can change a policy position in the interest of raising money.”

Indeed ’tis. And he’s expert on changing position to please the people with the big bucks. Most politicians are. What makes McCain unique in that respect is how pliant he’s become. He’ll say anything to anyone, flipping and flopping like a suffocating salmon being electrocuted on a dock, often reversing himself more than once in a single week.

Do we really want such a bribable limp fish as our President?

Any takers? No?

I didn’t think so.

Big Oil Hearts McCain After Flip-Flop

My Treatise on Speculative Fiction Now Available!

NP’s started a genre-writing series. She tapped me to do my bit, and how could I say no? If you’re interested in my yammerings on Speculative Fiction, you can go endure them here.

Wanting a taste first? Right, then. Here’s a sample spoonful:

I say “Speculative Fiction,” and people give me blank stares. “What’s that?” they ask. “Oh, you know – sci fi, fantasy, that sort o’ thing.” Depending on the person, we either move into starry-eyed “here there be dragons/spaceships!” territory, or the lip curls. “Oh, that. Fluffy stuff. Not serious literature.”

Really? How fluffy is Homer? Read 1984 and had political nightmares? Jorge Luis Borges seemed pretty serious to me, as did Mary Shelley. My college professors surely took Faust, Dante’s Inferno, and The Metamorphosis seriously.

There ye go. Hope you enjoyed it. And here’s some more M.C. Escher to get you in the proper frame o’ mind:

My Treatise on Speculative Fiction Now Available!

I've Heard of Blind Stupidity, but This Is Going A Bit Far

More proof that religion can be hazardous to your health (h/t Dispatches from the Culture Wars):

At least 50 people have lost their sight after staring at the sun hoping to see an image of the Virgin Mary, according to reports.

Alarmed health authorities in India’s Kottayam district have set up a sign dispelling rumours of a miraculous image in the sky and warning of the dangers of looking into direct sunlight.

Forty-eight cases of sight-loss, allegedly caused by photochemical burns on the retina, have been recorded at St Joseph’s ENT and Eye hospital in the region since Friday.

Despite warnings, and the potentially harmful effects of their actions, believers are allegedly still flocking to a hotelier’s house in Erumeli near where the divine image is said to have appeared.

This conjures some interesting possibilities for sadistic fun. “Jesus is in my oven!” “I saw God in this blast furnace!” If only I were so cruel – I might be able to solve our frothing fundie problem.

Those damned morals. I thought atheists didn’t have ’em, but there they are. Barstards.

I've Heard of Blind Stupidity, but This Is Going A Bit Far

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

Some intriguing developments today, my darlings. Grab a drink and settle in.

Think Progress has an incredibly disturbing revelation about the lengths to which the Bush regime will go to get the wars they crave:

Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.

In Hersh’s most recent article, he reports that this meeting occurred in the wake of the overblown incident in the Strait of Hormuz, when a U.S. carrier almost shot at a few small Iranian speedboats. The “meeting took place in the Vice-President’s office. ‘The subject
how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington,’” according to one of Hersh’s sources.

During the journalism conference event, I asked Hersh specifically about this meeting and if he could elaborate on what occurred. Hersh explained that, during the meeting in Cheney’s office, an idea was considered to dress up Navy Seals as Iranians, put them on fake Iranian speedboats, and shoot at them. This idea, intended to provoke an Iran war, was ultimately rejected:

HERSH: There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.

Might cost some lives. And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

Infuckingcredible. Two wars aren’t enough – they’re desperate enough for a third that they’ll resort to masquerades with live ammo to start yet another. It doesn’t matter that they had an iota of morality left and ultimately decided it would be too risky to kill a few Americans to lie us into another war. The fact that they floated this idea at all is outrageous. They’re beyond insane. Why the fuck are these psychopaths still in charge?

And, as Kevin Drum points out, this wasn’t the first time. Oh, hell no. There’s a place for people like this: it’s called prison.

Strangely enough, our judiciary is starting to think that, you know, maybe Bush & Co. aren’t exempt from American laws:

White House attorneys are quite capable of coming up with creative legal arguments. The problem, though, is that judges aren’t willing to reward their creativity.

President Bush’s top advisers are not immune from congressional subpoenas, a federal judge ruled Thursday in an unprecedented dispute between the two political branches.

House Democrats called the ruling a ringing endorsement of the principle that nobody is above the law.

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge John Bates said there’s no legal basis for Bush’s argument and that his former legal counsel, Harriet Miers, must appear before Congress. If she wants to refuse to testify, he said, she must do so in person. The committee also has sought to force testimony from White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten.

“Harriet Miers is not immune from compelled congressional process; she is legally required to testify pursuant to a duly issued congressional subpoena,” Bates wrote. He said that both Bolten and Miers must give Congress all non-privileged documents related to the firings.

Because I know this is the first question on the minds of many political observers, I should note that Bates was appointed to the federal bench by none other than George W. Bush. Indeed, Bates has, in general, been a Bush administration ally (he threw out Valerie Plame’s suit against Karl Rove, for example).

But not today. Bates wrote that “the Executive’s current claim of absolute immunity from compelled congressional process for senior presidential aides is without any support in the case law.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it “very good news for anyone who believes in the Constitution of the United States and the separation of powers, and checks and balances.”

It’s a start. Subject a few of the underlings to a good legal spanking, and we could get a cascade effect. That is, if Bush hasn’t infiltrated absolutely every level of government with his own personal ball-lickers:

Thanks to a report from the Justice Department’s inspector general, we got a better sense this week about the extraordinary — and illegal — efforts to politicize Bush’s Justice Department.

But let’s not forget, the problem of basing employment decisions on politics went well beyond the Justice Department. Charlie Savage picks up on an email that went largely overlooked.

On May 17, 2005, the White House’s political affairs office sent an e-mail message to agencies throughout the executive branch directing them to find jobs for 108 people on a list of “priority candidates” who had “loyally served the president.”

“We simply want to place as many of our Bush loyalists as possible,” the White House emphasized in a follow-up message, according to a little-noticed passage of a Justice Department report released Monday about politicization in the department’s hiring of civil-service prosecutors and immigration officials.

The report, the subject of a Senate oversight hearing Wednesday, provided a window into how the administration sought to install politically like-minded officials in positions of government responsibility, and how the efforts at times crossed customary or legal limits.

To be sure, Bush didn’t invent political patronage, and practically all modern presidents have made at least some efforts to, as Savage put it, “impose greater political control over the federal bureaucracy.”

But none have gone as far as this gang.

This administration has been all about excess: excessive force, excessive law-breaking, excessive belligerance, excessive politicization, excessive stupidity and evil. America has seen some piss-poor administrations, but I don’t think, when all is known, that any will quite measure up to the extravagance of this one.

That’s why it’s all the sweeter when they are, on rare occasion, forced to face up to reality:

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has approved a new National Defense Strategy arguing that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should not be allowed to distract from the “implications of fighting a long-term, episodic, multi-front, and multi-dimensional conflict” against terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. Gates’ new strategy “encourages current and future U.S. leaders to work with other countries to eliminate the conditions that foster extremism.”

The strategy concludes, “the most important military component of the struggle against violent extremists is not the fighting we do ourselves, but how well we help prepare our partners to defend and govern themselves.”

The Bush administration’s recognition that “even winning the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will not end the ‘Long War’ against violent extremism” is surprising. In 2004, when Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) expressed the same view, Bush smeared Kerry in two ads, posing the question “How can Kerry protect us if he doesn’t even understand the threat?”

Who was it who didn’t understand the threat again, Georgie? Oh, right. That would be you.

It’s a damned good thing we have term limits. I just hope they’re enough. I haven’t got time for a revolution, but if necessary, I’ll pencil it in. This fuckery has got to stop.

Happy Hour Discurso

Of Course He's Just Like Batman – In the Bizarro Universe

If I’d had any cookies before reading this Andrew Klavan excerpt, they would’ve been tossed:

What Bush and Batman Have in Common
July 25, 2008

A cry for help goes out from a city beleaguered by violence and fear: A beam of light flashed into the night sky, the dark symbol of a bat projected onto the surface of the racing clouds . . .

Oh, wait a minute. That’s not a bat, actually. In fact, when you trace the outline with your finger, it looks kind of like . . . a “W.”

You need glasses, you delusional fuckwit.

There seems to me no question that the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war.

You need a new brain, you delusional fuckwit.

Off your medication again, I see. Let’s just take a moment to do some kicking with the spiked boots: Batman didn’t ignore warnings that terrorists would strike in his city, stubborn stupidity and a habit of posing in flyboy outfits doesn’t equal “fortitude” and “moral courage,” and Batman fought strictly on the defense. He didn’t go around starting wars against the wrong damned people and then proclaim himself a hero for it.

And I really don’t think the Nolan brothers had Bush in mind when writing this film, except when they were writing the beating-information-out-of-people bits. I noticed they were a lot more thoughtful about the morality of that, now that Monkey Boy George has shown us exactly why such things as torture are banned by international treaty.

I see your insanity continues to spew forth. What now?

Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.

Batman is villified and despised for being a dangerous, unknown quantity outside the law who also really fucks things up for the buggers getting rich off of other people’s misery. Bush is villified because he’s a raving fucktard who thinks he’s entitled to do whatever he wants. Batman struggles with the morality of what he does and makes every attempt to put serious limits on his own actions. Bush uses other people’s fear and uncertainty to grab as much power as he can, and you’d have to break his hands to pry it out of them. Batman ensures that the tools he has that could lead to people’s rights being violated are used for uber-brief periods of time, in as limited a way as possible, and then immediately ensures their destruction, further adding a layer of security by placing the really noxious tools in the hands of a man guaranteed not to abuse them. Bush recognizes no limits in either time or scope, places the dangerous toys in the hands of completely evil fuckers, and uses every trick possible to permanently expand his toolbox. Is that enough, or should I go on?

And like W, Batman understands that there is no moral equivalence between a free society — in which people sometimes make the wrong choices — and a criminal sect bent on destruction. The former must be cherished even in its moments of folly; the latter must be hounded to the gates of Hell.

You just pulled that one out of your ass, buddy. It reeks of fresh bullshit.

Batman limits himself to one thing: making the dangerous people stop hurting the mostly innocent people. He won’t kill a criminal. He won’t use any more force than absolutely necessary. He hounds them only to the gates of Arkham, even when he knows there’s a chance they’ll break loose and wreak havoc again. You see, he has morals and a sense of proportion – neither of which your hero Georgie Boy possesses. He operates outside of the law, but he’s not lawless. Bushie, on the other hand, uses the excuse of “criminal sects” redefine the law to his liking, to accrue power to himself, and to satiate his own thirst for war.

By the way, just so you’re made aware of this, because I know it’s not something you and your reality-challenged buddies consider very often, especially not when you’re getting all hard over the latest round of torture and mayhem on 24, but: Batman operates in a fictional world. It’s not real. Heroes in fiction and heroes in real life sometimes have points in common (although not in this case), but they’re not the same. Fictional heroes, in fact, would quite often get their arses thrown in prison in this reality, no matter what kind of good they might be doing.

Things that work in fiction don’t work in reality. If Bush and his cronies had understood that, we wouldn’t have had government fucking officials citing Jack Bauer when trying to explain why torturing people is the right thing to do. The Jack Bauer Defense doesn’t make torture right. Saying that Batman’s feared and hated for the good he does doesn’t mean that Bush is feared and hated for doing good – he’s feared and hated because he’s a power-mad little fucktard who’s shat all over this country’s laws, ideals, economy and identity. He’s hated and feared because he deserves to be.

No amount of trying to equate him with Batman is going to change that. Get the fuck over it, Andrew. That big W on Georgie’s chest doesn’t stand for Wonderman, it stands for Whackjob.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your brief stay.

Of Course He's Just Like Batman – In the Bizarro Universe