Geeks Without God

Geeks Without God is a podcast put out by three Minnesota-based geeks and atheists, Tim Wick, Molly Glover and Nick Glover. And I am this week’s guest! So much fun – let me repeat this part of the blog – SO. MUCH. FUN. I was invited over to their recording studio (read: basement – steep stairs but good acoustics and apparently decent recording equipment – the sound quality is great, at least to my untrained ear) and we spent about 38 minutes bullshitting about blogging, Atheists Talk Radio, abortion clinics, Excel spreadsheets and board games. And of course, I had the supreme high honor of answering The Five Questions. I also got to say “geeky boner” and “cockmonster” while recording, so there’s all sorts of goodies on that thar show. You can listen to the episode on the Geeks Without God website, or you can download the podcast on iTunes. And if you visit the website maybe throw in a few bucks for their Camp Quest holiday fundraiser. The Razoo app is on the left side of the main page.

Geeks Without God