Cross-Country Connections: Pissed

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Pissed.

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

Even though I was thrilled to host Erin and Ralph on the last leg of their move across the entire United States, Sipsy was not at all pleased with the “extra baggage” they brought, particularly their dog, Ivan.  Of course, all Ivan wanted to was play.  Sipsy spent a great deal of time “upstairs” glaring down on the miscreants below. 

From Brianne in Minneapolis, Minnesota: 

“Pissed,” as in “about to be.”

From Erin in Takoma Park, Maryland:  

“Pissed Off Oliver” – Taken on the great move somewhere between Bellingham, Washington and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Cross-Country Connections: Pissed