Cross-Country Connections: Celebrate

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Celebrate.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

Its that time of year when people are graduating and moving on to the next stage. This year is special though because my husband and our very good friend both successfully defended their dissertations for a Ph.D. in Anthropology.  Its been a long, strange journey for both of them and I’m so proud and happy to see them so successful. Congratulations, Ralph and Lisa!

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

There were so many moments that we celebrated.  I chose this one because Don is in it too!

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

 At the 2012 Good Friday Planned Parenthood counter-protest we celebrated raising $16,686 for the St. Paul clinic. I took this photo early in the morning (collections had begun prior to the counter-protest). By the time I left at about 10:30 am, the number had climbed to over $20,000 thanks to the Pledge-A-Protester campaign.

Cross-Country Connections: Celebrate

Cross-Country Connections: Drink

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Drink.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

This is one of the first photos I took with my DSLR at the beginning of 2011, and it’s still one of my favorite drink photos that I’ve ever taken.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

The traditional drink at a “traditional” Irish pub in Fairhaven, The Archer Alehouse.

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:


Cross-Country Connections: Drink

Cross-Country Connections: Flowers

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Flowers.

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

April 15 and my Irises are in full-bloom.  Man am I dreading summer.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

The TA truck stop in Albert Lea, Minnesota had so many “interesting” displays and kiosks, including this ode to American patriotism. Buy ALL the red, white and blue things!

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

These are Foxglove, which grow everywhere in the summer. Taken near Racehorse Creek Fossil Slide in the nothern Cascade Mountains. I searched for awhile to make sure I got the name of these right; I knew the Biodork readers would call me out if I was wrong!

Cross-Country Connections: Flowers

Cross-Country Connections: Gross

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Gross.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

umm… Hope you didn’t eat before reading this post. Found in a park in Anacortes, WA. I don’t know what animal would have done this and then left all the tasty bits laying out. 

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

To have yummy scalloped potatoes you must make grossness.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

Outdoor ashtray at a friend’s house. Mmmm…

Cross-Country Connections: Gross

Cross-Country Connections: Geometric

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Geometric.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

This sculpture is located outside of the National Building Museum in Washington D.C.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

This is geometric, right? All those layers unfolding, a new leaf from a weird Hosta plant that seems to thrive in our apartment, in direct contrast to the Tricky post from 2 weeks ago.
From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:
This is entitled Av-Yellow Lozenger, 1977 by Ernest Trova of cor-ten steel.  It is one of the pieces in the Southern Illinois Museum Sculpture Garden. 
Cross-Country Connections: Geometric

Cross-Country Connections: Spring

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Spring.

Note: Mom couldn’t join us for CCC this week, Erin and Mom are together in Carbondale and I am vacationing in Washington D.C., so this week’s CCC is a little wonky.

From Erin who is usually in Bellingham, Washington, but who is in Carbondale, Illinois with Mom this week:

Spring is here, as evidence by the fact that I am at my Grandpa’s farm in Southern Illinois.  Every spring break, through my whole grade school and into college education, my dad, sister, and I would drive down I-57 to Carbondale to visit my aunt, uncle and grandmother before heading through Vienna, IL to ‘the farm.’ We swam in this pond where the blue gill would nibble our toes! Its an amazing feeling to be back here at the right time of year once again.

From me who is usually in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but who is in Washington D.C. this week:

What says “spring” more than the Washington DC tidal basin cherry blossoms in full bloom? Nothing, that’s what.

Cross-Country Connections: Spring

Cross-Country Connections: Tricky

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Tricky.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

Growing plants is hard!! This tricky little bastard started out with beautiful blooms, which died one by one and then just as I was about to give up, these bright green leaves started growing.  Any ideas/suggestions for a healthy plant?

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

Sometimes I think Calliope herself is messin’ with my interfaces just to get me to hunker down and write.  It is damned tricky to actually get connected to the games; trickier still to stay connected.  

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

Playing Jenga with cats is tricky.

Cross-Country Connections: Tricky

Cross-Country Connections: Steady

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Steady.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

Slow and steady does it. – The Grand Canyon and Colorado River. From The Great West Road Trip with Mom in 2009.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

A view of the steadily ongoing construction in my once quiet neighborhood.  Three houses were recently built behind my house and three are in progress directly across my street. This view shows the 7th(!!!) house being built just two feet from house (Bri, you remember those blackberries? GONE!) and up in the right corner you can see the earthmover for the houses across the street. 🙁

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

Never once has my sister or brother in law let me down.  They were and are a steady support to me and mine.


Cross-Country Connections: Steady

Cross-Country Connections: Comfy

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Comfy.

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

A worn-out Dad with little Erin and Brianne. Believe it or not, this wooden rocker was very comfy.  Rocked both baby girls in it and sat for hours reading and watching tv there too.  Still not sure why I got rid of it.  Miss it. 

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

The Hubby sneaks a power nap on a demo bed at IKEA after a long day of shopping.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

Nothing is more comfy to me than a night of knitting.  This a really soft garter stitch swatch for a sweater.

Cross-Country Connections: Comfy

Cross-Country Connections: Homemade

Cross-Country Connections is a Biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country. Every week we choose a different theme and then take or contribute a personal photo that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Homemade.

From Erin in Bellingham, Washington:

Here’s a Tiny Dinosaur I knit from a pattern here, posing in the only plant I’ve ever kept alive for longer than 6 months.

From Mom in Carbondale, Illinois:

My Steampunk chapeau I made for Halloween rests on the perfect “hat stand” an antique anniversary clock.

From me in Minneapolis, Minnesota:

The Hubby has been taking a lot of leatherwork classes lately. This is his most recent project. The method used to create the dragon on the vegetable-tanned leather is called “tooling” and the 3-D look (which isn’t immediately obvious in this photo) is called “embossing”. The next step is painting and then framing.

Cross-Country Connections: Homemade