Graven Images of Muhammad Should Lead to No Graves

Right around the time I started university, the original Muhammad cartoon controversy began and soon escalated into rioting and deaths. Nearly a decade later and at least a dozen more people are dead because someone drew some cartoons. Even the death of only the cartoonists in question would have been too many dead over cartoons; most who have died over the various sets of cartoons had nothing to do with any of them.

Back in 2005, I was a Muslim. Here in 2015, I’m an ex-Muslim atheist. My feelings about the cartoons are the same: They’re trashy pieces of arguable race-bait not worth killing or dying for, and the right to publish trashy race-baiting cartoons is definitely worth dying (and maybe killing?) for. Continue reading “Graven Images of Muhammad Should Lead to No Graves”

Graven Images of Muhammad Should Lead to No Graves