US health care is presently a con job

With your politicians bought and paid for by the health insurance industry, America’s health care industry is a gigantic con job, and you’re being murdered by spreadsheet for profit while the politicians defend this con job from any chance of being disassembled. If anything is immoral and should be illegal, this is it.

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Olbermann is a firebrand, however he is more often right than wrong. And when he’s right, he’s damned right. He may be a talking head, but he’s a hell of a lot more eloquent and a hell of a lot more right than Bill O’Reilly. To put them in the same weight class is to completely fail to weigh them at all.

US health care is presently a con job

3 thoughts on “US health care is presently a con job

  1. 1

    It’s very frustrating as an American to find that people are buying the “Bureaucrat between you and your doctor” propaganda from the reich wing. Almost all of us have dealt with insurance companies denying claim after claim or asking for more COB forms before paying, or having doctors on the phone justifying a procedure. I had read that the average doctor in a small clinic spends as much time on the phone with insurance companies as with patient, some of them working an additional 40 hours per week, not with patients but with insurance adjusters fighting over payment.

    And the problem is intensified because with all of these insurance companies, there are different sets of rules. It’s a ridiculous waste of money, but because the private sector is wasting it, it’s “Okay.”

  2. 2

    The worst is being denied coverage because of an existing condition…or having to pay $503 a month for two healthy people (and that was supposedly 40% of my premium while my company paid 60%)…or COBRA payments being $977 a month when you only receive $914 every two weeks for unemployment…makes me so patriotic. What are the immigration requirements for moving to Canada?

  3. 3

    I hate to say it, but health refugees are frowned upon. It breaks my heart that you folks are in the position you’re in, and I wish we could open our borders to everyone… you could probably do it, but you’d have to be careful not to say you’re immigrating for health care. If you’re at all serious about this, here’s where you’d go for more info.

    Something needs to change, and I’m afraid it would take breaking the banks of the wealthy folks trying to maintain the status quo before it will. It truly bothers me that there’s so much astroturf going on right now, shouting down the legitimate debate. The only way to get heard above the din of the corporate shills, is going to be to out-organize them. If I was in the States, I would gladly do what I could to help with this.

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