Ajar Thread: Aren’t Young Women, Like, So Annoying?

If linguistic patterns are any indicator, if you want something to be incredibly popular and eventually spread to every subset in society, gear it towards young women. Despite the fact that young women are trend-setters, however, almost anything that is associated with them is generally considered not as good as the young (or older) male equivalent.

Compiling an exhaustive list of things that people tend to put down because they are too closely associated with femininity and/or feminine youthfulness would be both exhausting and depressing. Taking a moment to ponder if there are any good reasons to put down certain things and not others, and if our reasons are not as based on personal preference as we might want to believe, however, is an approachable goal.

You just might be buying into the hatred of the feminine if you criticize the items to the left much more so than the items on the right, if at all.

“Girly” Thing “Manly” Equivalent
Facebook / Twitter Google+
Sleepovers LAN Parties
Duckface Bicep flex
Myspace angles Cock shots
Selfies Picture with “hot chicks”
Gossip magazines Gaming / Sports magazines
Celebrity worship Sports star / CEO worship
Tumblr / Pinterest Reddit
Chick flicks Action movies
Pole dancer Gas station attendant
The Royal Wedding The Super Bowl
50 Shades of Grey Mainstream Porn
Bubblegum Pop Generic Dude Rock
Crying at work Temper Tantrums at work

Statistics on social media use (more) ]

Have you noticed any other stereotypically-feminine hobbies that are reviled much more than their stereotypically-male equivalent?

Ajar Thread: Aren’t Young Women, Like, So Annoying?

14 thoughts on “Ajar Thread: Aren’t Young Women, Like, So Annoying?

  1. 1

    Google+ is considered “Manly” now? I must be really behind the curve. As social networks go, it’s always seemed like kind of a loser, especially during the nym wars.

  2. 2

    I’d never thought of the “Myspace angle” thing as particularly feminized…I’d seen criticism of it aimed at men.

    But the rest of it, yeah. ESPECIALLY the hate-on for selfies, Tumblr, and the like.

  3. cyn

    Can you help me understand the difference between “hatred of the feminine” and “misogyny”?

    The piece you link to here goes to Natalie Reed who links it to the Good Med Project, but that page has disappeared.

    I gather though that “hatred of the feminine” is a type of misogyny. Is that accurate?

  4. 6

    K, so where is this overwhelming criticism of “girly” stuff? Could totaly just be my own bias, or the crowd I typically hang with, but I’m not seeing it. Are there like, statistics anywhere to back up the claims that stuff in the left-hand column is criticized more than the right?

    1. 6.1

      I’m not finding any studies directly done on the matter. I do know that femininity is generally associated with weakness, incompetence, silliness, frivolity, and so on. There’s a reason why boys are discouraged from doing “girly” things more than girls are discouraged from doing “boyish” things. Tomboys are much more accepted than sissies; just the connotations of each word tells you that.

      Also, there’s a known phenomenon where men move away from terms, actions, etc. if they’re associated with women, but not the other way around. I can’t recall what it’s called so I can’t find any pertinent link, but as soon as I figure it out, I will follow up.

  5. 7

    Maybe janitor would be more equivalent to poledancer? Then again, where I work janitors are more or less equally split between male/female, even though the job is considered low status, whereas the local gas station attendents seem to be mostly men. Just thinking.

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