That “best / worst cover songs” meme… pt 1

Okay. I was never officially tagged with this meme by any of my blogbuddies, but what’s a meme if it doesn’t spread of its own volition? Your challenge is to post the best and worst cover songs you know.

I’m, naturally, as is my particular idiom, going to go a bit further than this, and post a bunch of unknown covers that you need to hear (or probably already know and love), and some covers that you’ve probably heard and wish you could unhear. The good ones are below the fold, suckas.
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That “best / worst cover songs” meme… pt 1

Everything sounds better auto-tuned

Rachel Maddow hosted the Auto-Tune The News folks’ video as a special web-only extra, probably because she’s featured in the Ron Paul segment. Now that’s kick-starting a viral video!

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Well okay. I don’t think my singing voice could be saved, but Katie Couric is suddenly worth listening to!

This one’s #3; here’s #1 and #2.

Everything sounds better auto-tuned

Trippy but catchy

Link sent me by Pickles:

This song was built almost entirely out of sounds recorded from the Disney version of Alice In Wonderland. Here’s some more info and a downloadable mp3.

This video does nothing to refute my hypothesis that the visuals in the original were designed to make the heads of people on acid trips explode. My problem with this particular hypothesis is that I’m not likely to test it any time soon.

It also occurs to me that I don’t have an appropriate category for this. I should make a Virals / Memes category soon. Putting in Computers until I do.

Trippy but catchy

So fucking rock!

As an antidote to the VenomFangX Saga continuation, here’s some Tim Minchin. This man is brilliant.


If You Open Your Mind Too Much… Your Brain Will Fall Out (Take My Wife!)

Canvas Bags

So Fucking Rock!

the non-live version

And finally a quote that makes me want to have his man-children:

i don’t think one needs to know anything about religion to be an atheist. it is a natural, simple, instinctive thing to be an atheist. i know what you mean – it is nice to know a bit about religion if one wants to bang on about it like i do… but in general, the burden is not on atheists to be knowledgeable or justify their position. their position is the natural zero point. the burden of intellectual justification falls on the people with bizarre beliefs in magic deities and magic books and the ability for mammals to survive their own deaths.

Tim Minchin, Angry (Feet) Forum

So fucking rock!