Is this the Yuletide?
It’s such a mystery
Will I be denied
Or will there be gifts for me?
Come down the stairs
Look under the tree and see…
And it’s time, once again, for my annual plug for my candidate for the Best Christmas Song Parody Evar: Christmas Rhapsody, Pledge Drive’s Christmas-themed parody of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” written by my friend Tim Walters and his friend Steve Rosenthal.
Alas, there’s no video. Which is a shame, since I think this thing has potential to go seriously viral some year if there were a good video to go with it. Interested videographers should contact Tim through his Website. In the meantime — enjoy the song!
And if you like that, Tim has even more holiday music on his site. My fave: Down in the Forest, described as “A dark and slightly confused Yuletide nightmare. It has something to do with the Fisher King. Maybe.” Have fun!
Most excellent!
That’s as good as my favorite Bohemian Rhapsody parody: Zero Wing Rhapsody.
I still prefer “Fist Me This Christmas” by The Wetspots.
[…] Greta Christina thinks this song is the “the Best Christmas Song Parody Ever” […]
Good fun. The reproduction of the Queen sound is worthy of Wierd Al himself.
Genius! “Saint Nicolas has a lump of anthracite for me.” Also the “Dabu Doray” quote from “Grinch!”
Thanks, Greta! FYI, I just posted this year’s song. Leonard Cohen is the parody target this time, so it’s a bit less epic, but hopefully still funny:
Excellent, Tim.
Thanks, Greta, for directing us to this well-done song.