Hello people from Writer Beware Blogs!

There is always a surge in traffic around here when another blogger has an encounter with Eddie Kritzer.  His comments now go directly to spam here because they’ve become a bit graphic and horrifying.  My favorite excerpts from the e-mail he sent to Victoria Strauss.

“Your to busy being a busy body “old decrepit lady with all wrinkly skin; IM sure your husband (if you still have one) which I doubt; because all you do is complain, you are the negative Nelly of the Internet, your so fucken boring, and bored.And “all you do is bitch and moan and groan [except when you have sex; then you just lay there like a lump of coal, which is what your personality is.”

In other news, I didn’t finish the rewrite for today’s deadline due to a lot of stuff that’s happened in the last month, good and bad, but all time consuming.  So, I’m planning on getting it rewritten and polished by the Nicholl.  I’m going to set writing aside right now to try to get through this project I’m editing.  I need to get it done by Feb 1 because I won’t have time for a side job at that point.  Of course, I don’t feel great right now, but hopefully that’s going to do nothing but get better.  Starting Wednesday I get to start working on scar reduction!

Hello people from Writer Beware Blogs!

Weekend Recap: Nominate me for Awards!

I am still sick, I have been sick for so so long.  I mean, I’m 87% better.  Which is to say I’m not totally exhausted but I’m still coughing and my nose is still icky.  I finished my course of antibiotics, so I’m guessing there’s nothing to do now but hope.

My posting is probably going to be erratic at best starting Tuesday — I’m going to be in South Carolina for a week.  I’m hoping to start getting some feelers for raising money there.

I was on set all weekend, shooting two different things.  I was script supervising the pilot for Alice and the Monster, which is from the same creative team as Gold: The Series, and then I “starred” in a makeover shoot from which I got a super cute dress that I wore to my company’s holiday party.  So, huzzah.

Also, you can nominate Gold: The Series and/or my editing of Gold for the Streamys.  They’re pushing for Gold to get Best Comedy and Best Ensemble.  Under individuals, you can nominate me for Best Editing, and you can nominate the super awesome Frederick Snyder for Best Director.  The site address is www.goldtheseries.com

That’s all for now!

Weekend Recap: Nominate me for Awards!

Bible Con: the rewrite

I’ve been sort of kind of rewriting Bible Con for the last two months, but I think I’ve had a breakthrough.

It’s a Mockumentary and has a lot of characters and a fair few balls in the air at any time, and the most consistent note I’ve gotten on it is that the conflict needs to be heightened and specified.  It’s tough, in an ensemble piece, to make sure that every character has a goal, flaws, and something stopping them from being happy.  It’s not that these things didn’t exist in the previous draft, but they are a bit murky.

So I’ve decided to completely rewrite one of the 6 main characters and make him, essentially, not a main character at all.  There’s a lot that’s going to be coming out of this draft, I’m a little worried it’s going to drop too many pages, but hopefully it’ll all balance out.

Bible Con: the rewrite

Eddie Kritzer: I thought he was gone

Eddie Kritzer seems to be going to unrelated posts and commenting with ad hominem attacks.  I’ve told him there, but I’m posting it again, I don’t want to block anyone, but I’m not patient with people who simply post trying to get some sort of emotional rise out of people.  There are plenty of places on the internet to go be a dick, this is not the forum.  I don’t want to censor anyone, but at some point it is spam, not a comment, and I will throw it away.

I know it’s tragic to not have as much opportunity for you all to make fun of his grammar, spelling, and acting like Sarah Palin with a Levi Johnston size bee in her bonnet, but I’m bored of it.

His recent comment.

Eddie Kritzer: I thought he was gone

InkTip: 3 months in, first Script download

My script has been up on InkTip since the beginning of September.  Today, for the first time, it was downloaded.  The logline has come up in someone’s search 94 times, 34 of those hits were from LA Feature Film Academy.

Today someone at LA Feature Film Academy actually downloaded it.  Anyone know anything about them?

Other stats: My resume has been downloaded once, the synopsis three times, the script once.  Interestingly, though one person looked at the synopsis twice, no one’s looked at any two of those, let alone all three.

InkTip: 3 months in, first Script download

PitchQ: Highest rated of November; A winner is me

So, I guess I won this contest of the highest rated pitch of November on Pitch Q.  They didn’t alert me or anything, nor did I know I had comments, I just happened to go to the page and see my face all huge and pink on the front.  So… yay for me!


I also got a note that I cannot decipher.  I’ll assume it was useless.

PitchQ: Highest rated of November; A winner is me

3 weeks to Christmas

I wanted to have my rewrite of Bible Con and first draft of Dyke for a Day done by Thanksgiving.  I also wanted to have a business plan for the former ready for my trip to SC at Christmas.  You know, so I could sort of test the waters for raising the money there.  So new deadline, Dec. 22.  Except I’m working days, nights and weekends.

It would help if my health wasn’t undermining my energy and I was less easily distracted by QI, which is my new favorite thing in the universe.

In other news, I got my feedback from ScriptSavvy, and for the most part the notes are very good.  If you really want decent notes on your script, I would send off to them long before I did to Zoetrope or any other script contest.  My only complaint is that the notes have a tendency to talk down to the writer, as though they aren’t terribly bright and don’t know anything about screenwriting.  I’m sure this comes from an attempt to guess what you can assume the author knows.  They don’t appear to have a terribly high opinion.

I got a 48, which is about 5 points off an honorable mention score, and 7 off a win.  I guess that means a strong rewrite could be a winner.  One thing I really don’t like about the Nicholl is the complete lack of notes, even for the people who advance.  That’s true of many contests, but it’s definitely a flaw in the Nicholl and a strength of ScriptSavvy.

Go to 47:55 of this YouTube video to be incredibly impressed by Senator Parker of NY.

3 weeks to Christmas

All my scam are belong to Eddie Kritzer; the saddest troll on the internet

It’s that time again folks, time to read from the mixed up comments of Eddie Kritzer.  It’s really so sad.  Still, you’ve got to be impressed by a man who takes his reputation so seriously that he spends his late evenings writing out his every accomplishment on the blog of an alleged woman of no importance.

As a side bar, to those interested in the power of Google Analytics, it would appear that a certain lexicographically challenged seeker stumbled upon this page by searching for the terms “eddie kritzer scam”.  I leave it up to my few visitors to decide whether such a visit resulted in the posting of the comments below.

Should you wish to see the comments in their unrefined form, here is the link: http://ashleyfmiller.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/eddie-kritzer-leave-me-alone/

The greatest hits of his 3 new comments.  All posted within an hour of one another.


Hi Everybody,

IM Eddie Kritzer, and it’s very easy to write comments about me. negative or otherwise. Your all anonymous, and of course IM a target.
I love the stuff I read about me on The Internet, it’s very entertaining.

If you have a compellling story, and when you go to the movies, and cant believe your story isn’t on the local AMC screen; or your local
Barnes & Noble;

You say to me, my script, or manuscriot is better then any script or manuscript; I have seen or read.?I then say to you, okay, I dont know you, but if you believe it’s a number one anything, I will submit your script or manuscript to all the decision makers.
Never have I ever said I guarantee a sale.
If your so sure your a hit, then I require an advance of Six Hundred Dollars against my 15% Commision.
It’s very simple, if you’ve got something hot, and or compelling, Im always interested
Hey guys, below are a few of my favorite hits, I have many more going, and It’s
I would love to have somebody send me a hit, It’s just that I get Six Hundred Dollars as an advance.
Who cares what some again (anonymously) supposed writer or critic, says, he’s not giving me the mortgage or rent.


Hi Ashley, I love your comments, there very entertaining.
Ashley, let’s kinda get close, you know, like tell people on your blog that you have never created or done anything, kinda like how an why your on “blog: i.e. unpublished writer,
Daaaaaa, do we really have to go into I created Rockline, The longest running Rock Radio Show in history at 27 years. I created the concept for The American Comedy Awards ABC, 8 years, False Witness my NBC Movie received a 19.9rating 27.7share, Bill Cosby’s Kids Say The Darndest Things,o n CBS which was number one in its time slot many timed which I Executive Produced, and own with Art Linkletter and CBS.
The Nuremberg Secrets a Feature Film Produced in Paris, France
Had Hits of Beverly Hills 90201 Radio was partner with Magic Johnson on a script called The Ghost Writer. I sold books by Bill Cosby, Art Linkletter, and many others
Your comments are hilarious, good for a gag, but CREDITS ARE THE COIN OF THE RELM,


I agree, let’s all rag on Ashley, she’s a bit of a bore.
Hey I got an Idea, let’s name all of Ashley’s accomplishments,
There’s ummmmmmmm, and of course huuuuuuuuu,
and who can forget that opld favorite, ” I never did anything, and cried my eyes out on Eddie Kritzer’s blog, but he doesn’t have one, booo Hooo, booo hooo
I think Ashley’s a bit of a cry baby…………
yes I do, but Ashley, I will write you a letter of ………….

Thank you,


All my scam are belong to Eddie Kritzer; the saddest troll on the internet

ScriptSavvy: Delay

I submitted my script to ScriptSavvy way way back in October.  Like October 2nd.  It didn’t really occur to me that it could be 2 months before I heard anything from this monthly contest.  But they say worst case scenario, you find out by the last day of the month after you submit (Nov 30) and you should get your feedback/analysis before that.  Which meant that today I should have already have gotten my feedback and would hear the results.

Dear Ashley,

We had hoped that we could announce contest results on time in spite of the holiday, but it looks like Thanksgiving has put us a bit behind.

Those of you who ordered feedback or analysis will be receiving it in the next couple of days.

Results will be announced on the website before midnight on Wednesday December 2nd.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay. We are working very hard to make the announcement as soon as possible.
Donna White, Coordinator

No real worries, but dern.  You know?  It’s fine, it’s a two day delay.  But still.  It’s not like they didn’t know Thanksgiving was going to happen.

ScriptSavvy: Delay