Hypocrisy? Or humility? Or maybe fear?

I’m late to jump on this as I haven’t been watching Keith Olbermann much lately (preferring Rachel Maddow generally, since she got her own teevee show, hooray for Rachel!), but Greta Christina didn’t let this one slip by.

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I’ve clipped this video to only the relevant section, being the Bronze.

The Bronze: To the person who donated the scratch for ten thousand dollars worth of ads on the sides of buses in New York City, promoting atheism. They read, “You don’t have to believe in God to be a moral or ethical person.” The hope, from president Ken Bronstein of the group NYC Atheists, is to get people to stop hiding their non-belief — to stop hiding it. No complaint about the message — however, while Bronstein says, “We want to get atheists to come join us, to get out of the closet,” unfortunately the donor who made the ads possible is keeping his identity anonymous.

This presumes hypocrisy on the part of the anonymous donor. And if it’s hypocrisy, then fine, maybe they deserve a mild rebuke, and the Bronze is usually reserved for the “mild rebuke” spot unless the asshattery overflows the top two spots that day. But still. There are a number of reasons why an atheist might want to stay anonymous; e.g. they are in a public position where their declaration of atheism would earn them a good deal of animus. Like, say, a politician. Or a TV talking head. Or they could perhaps simply be “good samaritans” (heh) who don’t care about building some kind of reputation for themselves; the act itself is a good deed, and they obviously had the money to spare.

And then there’s the fact that atheists in America are actually, presently, the most reviled minority group there is, probably due to successful indoctrination into religion (whether or not the person has since escaped). Imagine that the person who gave up $10,000 of their own money is in a public position and surrounded by religious folks. Being around religious folks in and of itself is not uncommon — I’m sure a significant percentage of everyone you work with and interact with on a daily basis has some sort of faith, whether or not they’re lapsed as far as worshipping. And part of that faith involves being told by the people that believe, that if you don’t believe, you’re a sinner or stupid or evil. So a significant fraction of people would suddenly forget everything they’ve known about you in the past — much like my father did with my sister when she came out to him — and start assuming that they are broken or evil or whatnot.

Scarily, more people in America would vote a gay person into office than an atheist. And the terrorism threat from right-wingers is at an all-time high there at the moment. So that, coupled with the vast number of people that were brought up to believe that walking the skeptic’s path is to be outright evil, and fear suddenly becomes a real and significant motivator.

While I would love for the person who came up with that much money for the atheist bus campaign to come forward, to set an example to those out there who are too scared to self-identify as atheists, I’m not going to pretend that there aren’t very real and valid reasons not to do so. Nor should Keith Olbermann. Good on him for not having a problem with the message, but those of us on this side of the argument see much less hypocrisy than he did.

Hypocrisy? Or humility? Or maybe fear?

You couldn’t make this up

At the World Conference for Science Journalists going on in the United Kingdom presently, three attendees — specifically, Ben Goldacre, Vaughan Bell, and Petra Boynton — are scheduled to visit a pub tonight and discuss just how broken the world of science journalism is. This prompted an angry screed by Steve Connor of the UK paper The Independent, attacking the scientists for “condescending” to tell him that his job and his reporting is broken, venal and silly.

And in the process, gets two facts of extreme significance wrong, and marches out the old trope of doctors having a God complex.

The three attendees correct the record in a letter to the Independent:

Your science journalist Steve Connor is furious that we are holding a small public meeting in a pub to discuss the problem that science journalists are often lazy and inaccurate. He gets the date wrong, claiming the meeting has already happened (it has not). He says we are three medics (only one of us is). He then invokes some stereotypes about arrogant doctors, which we hope are becoming outdated.

In fact, all three of us believe passionately in empowering patients, with good quality information, so they can make their own decisions about their health. People often rely on the media for this kind of information. Sadly, in the field of science and medicine, on subjects as diverse as MMR, sexual health, and cancer prevention, the public have been repeatedly and systematically misled by journalists.

Pro tip: if you’re going to attack someone for daring to tell you you’re doing a shoddy job, don’t expose just exactly how shoddy a job you’re doing in the process.

You couldn’t make this up

Fox News: both fair AND balanced! (now with 150% more balance)


Mark Sanford, one-time Republican Party saviour and the Anointed One for the next Republican candidate for the presidency, suddenly finds his star falling after thoroughly failing at having a clandestine affair with some woman in South America.

Then Fox News “accidentally” labels him a Democrat. WOOPSIE! It was just an accident, folks, nothing to see here!
Continue reading “Fox News: both fair AND balanced! (now with 150% more balance)”

Fox News: both fair AND balanced! (now with 150% more balance)

Think of the children eh?

You’ve got to be kidding me. Apparently Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan has put forth a bill allowing police vast snooping powers on the internet, forcing ISPs to implement hefty snooping equipment and allowing for warrantless retrieval of information on any person they claim to suspect as being part of organized crime, terrorism or child pornography.

All you have to do is imply that this will help stop any of the three, and you’ll get some asshat more than willing to give up privacy and other essential human rights in the name of Teh Childrens. And Mark and other PC leaners, I’m sorry to say, it’s most often the Conservatives that fall into this particular category — this was Stockwell Day’s whipping horse for years!

The worst part is, nobody’s actually implying that any current investigation is being impeded by a lack of ability to warrantlessly internet-tap any citizen. If this passes, expect vast dragnets along the same lines as the snooping that’s already taken place in America in the name of preventing terrorism, while they only really snooped on reporters’ and liberals’ e-mails.

Makes me sad that Ignatieff and Harper have hashed out a deal to avoid a Federal election this summer. With the NDP riding high in NS presently, who knows, maybe sentiment has swung leftward in other, less backwater provinces.

Think of the children eh?

More cheating at Youtube

Creationists surely do love to fight dirty on Youtube, whether it’s by using vote-bots to skew legitimate metrics of brainshare, or abusing them some DMCA. The last time I reported on this, it was VenomFangX being a fucking douchebag and filing false DMCA claims to squelch an opposing viewpoint. This time, it’s the Creationist Discovery Institute, taking aim at DonExodus2 for daring to debunk Casey Luskin’s most recent appearance on Faux News. Please note: the Creation Discovery Institute, a wholly owned subsidiary of Casey Luskin Inc., doesn’t even own any of this material, and any use falls under the Criticism clause to begin with so even if Fox News filed the claim it would still fail.

Make no mistake: THIS IS WHY WE ARE UNCIVIL. Rather than letting the marketplace of ideas have a fair shake at both sides of the argument, they put their thumb on the scales by temporarily censoring the other side. Luckily they forgot about the Streissand Effect: the internet views censorship as damage and routes around it, e.g. by reuploading the video over and over and over again, on multiple mirrors and through multiple news channels. The more you try to censor something, the more attention you call to it, quickly turning an otherwise unknown event into a full-blown internet meme. If you want something to go away quietly, you ignore it — because no matter how many hits it gets, no matter how viral it goes, squelching it will give it more brainshare. Let it run its course and deal with the damage afterward, that’s your only choice.

Here’s a re-upload of the original video that freaked out the Creation Discovery Institute assholes (dammit, I keep doing that!). I can see why they’d want to shut down any discussion on this subject — DonExodus dissects the whole segment with surgical precision.

And DonExodus2’s impassioned plea to uncensor this video by spreading the word. I’m doing my part, friend!

I have to contend Youtube has some part in this, in that they need to damn well shore up their takedown process. They know people are abusing this, and by doing nothing about the abuse they are complicit.

Hat tip to Rebecca at Skepchick.

More cheating at Youtube

How to increase profit margins in the most asshat-ish way possible

DuWayne said it best in the comments on this thread:

Holy shit what fucking fun it is north of the border.

Yeah, no kidding bro. Canada’s latest foray into copyright just pegged my rage meter yet again. This time, they’re telling the blind, dyslexic, and otherwise disabled to fuck off and suffer when it comes to enjoying copyrighted works in an accessible manner, that otherwise would be protected if it weren’t for the attempted scuttling of this treaty.

The main aim of the treaty is to allow the cross-border import and export of digital copies of books and other copyrighted works in formats that are accessible to persons who are blind, visually impaired, dyslexic or have other reading disabilities, using special devices that present text as refreshable braille, computer generated text to speech, or large type. These works, which are expensive to make, are typically created under national exceptions to copyright law that are specifically written to benefit persons with disabilities…

And which luminary human rights paragons are leading the charge against such a law, one of the first ever to protect copyright end-users over copyright-owners? Never fear, fellow Canucks, we’re right up there arm in arm with not only the Vatican (because what religion really cares about blind people anyway? Even Jesus spat on them!), but also with the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and naturally the USA with Obama’s PURPORTEDLY ultra-far-left-wing administration. That’s right, all the really absurdly rich countries, including that one country that is literally made of a city built to support one gigantic fucking palace. Never mind that they’re all ganging up to beat up on blind people in order to protect their revenue streams from said blind people, who, without these otherwise exempted copies of the works, wouldn’t have any kind of access to the works, since YOU’RE NOT PROVIDING THEM WITH ACCESSIBLE VERSIONS TO BEGIN WITH!!

Don’t worry, Doctorow. Not all of Canada is upset with you. Some of us do not actually suffer from rectal-cranial inversion. The problem is, we just don’t have any say in the matter, because we are copyright end-users, not holders, and we don’t have any kind of money with which to lobby the government. Another example of the Golden Rule at work: they what gots the gold makes the rules.

How to increase profit margins in the most asshat-ish way possible

It was all a big scam after all. Quel surprise.

I’ve blogged previously about VenomFangX (what an insipid name… I cringe every time I type it) and his creationist Youtube masturbations; linking the archives as his channel has since been deleted. I haven’t caught everyone up on the story thus far. There have been further developments, brought to my attention by PZ Myers at Pharyngula.

First up, it appears as though one of his biggest fans, Anthony Powell, was obviously slightly crazy, and decided to kill his girlfriend (or possibly an ex, or possibly an unrequited love, the news was pretty unspecific about it) then commit suicide this past Good Friday, but not before posting several unhinged videos praising VFX’s wankery. This doesn’t reflect directly on VFX, naturally, but it’s interesting that there are demonstrably far more instances of mental imbalance leading directly into magical thinking, and thus creationism.

Shortly thereafter, VFX started a charity donation PayPal account, asking for donors to cover the $500 of his monthly upkeep (car, rent, etc.), so he could keep preaching on the interwebs, and everything above the $500 would go to a sick kids hospital. After changing what the goalposts were mid-stream (instead of $500, he would start giving to the charity only after getting 500 *donors*, somehow counting each donor as $1 no matter how much was donated), folks like dprjones investigated the claims and his faux-charity scheme, forcing him to stop disclosing his plans for donating at all, since the law could come down on you for such graft.

And then the plot thickens. Suddenly, VenomFangX’s YouTube channel and personal website were taken down. His last posted video prior to the takedown suggested that “Muslims” sent his parents death threats, addressing them directly by name. The timing of this, coming very shortly after his charity scambaiting, is surely just a coincidence. The message on his website is beyond hilarious, regardless of whether the death threats existed or not — it conjures images of this pasty mental midget getting dragged out of the room by his ear, then getting spanked when out of sight. The most likely scenario is, of course, that he needed to make a hasty exit, stage left even, after drawing the ire of a number of government agents regarding his charity scheme. Having already insulted Muslims in the streets, he had a convenient scapegoat, given most hyper-Christians’ irrational fear of Muslims in general.

To complicate matters, VenomFangX has apparently resurfaced on Youtube under a new account, creatively named VenomFangX1, posting (for all I know) new videos. If the video is indeed new, then the shutdown is a dodge. If it’s not new, then someone’s faking him, and that new account should be watched because there will be at least SOME hilarity.

It was all a big scam after all. Quel surprise.

As though you didn’t have enough reason to hate Fox News

US: “Hey Canada, I know we got ourselves involved in a huge war in Afghanistan, and we appreciate your help these past three years, but President Chimpy wants to go invade Iraq for some reason; do you mind spotting us some more soldiers for a while? You know, in light of that whole NATO agreement.”

Canada: “Well shit, didn’t think it’d work that way, we kind of figured NATO meant if anyplace in North America got invaded, we’d cowboy up… but okay. I realize Afghanistan is a big, important war, and stopping the Taliban and possibly getting Bin Laden is pretty urgent. We’ll do it.”

US: “Great! Oh, and by “a few soldiers”, we mean “most of them”, ‘coz we’re going to pull most of our guys out and shove them into Iraq. Yeronyerown! Later losers!”

Four years later, we’re still caught in the most violent regions of the quagmire Bush started way the hell back in 2001, fresh bodies returning from the meat grinder daily, and Canada declares that once we’re done with the Afghanistan mission in 2011, we’re going to have to go into a rebuild phase (bringing our army home and rebuilding after having expended so much life and money on a fruitless cause), declaring a one-year moratorium on operations outside the country. Reasonable enough after ten damned years, right? But what do we get from the asshats at Red Eye? Scorn and threats of annexation. As though bringing all our army home and rebuilding makes us LESS able to defend our territory.

Think about this, Americans. We might not be able to hold our own against an army funded by almost twice the money invested in all the rest of the armies of the whole world combined, but even a pacifist like me would pick up a chainsaw and fuck a couple invaders up before letting myself get subjugated. Ultimately, you’d be minting brand new freedom fighters (read: “terrorists”) out of every hoser and maple syrup sucker up in the Great White North. You’d win, eventually, sure. You have unmanned drones and trillions of dollars of money borrowed from China to crush us with. But karma’s a bitch, and Canada’s really popular in international circles.

As though you didn’t have enough reason to hate Fox News

Prop 8: The Musical

I’m sorry, all, that I don’t really have the energy to vent about the Canadian political situation right now, despite the laundry list of reasons the length of my arm why Harper needs to be tossed out on his ear, and despite how wholly constitutional and legal the attempt to get rid of Mr. 37% of the Vote right this second.  The only thing I can say right now is, look out Canada, here come the attack ads.

I do however have a small thing to say about this:

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

I’ve always liked Jack Black, despite a number of really good reasons I really shouldn’t. And I couldn’t have picked a better Jesus if I tried.  Also: naturally, musical + gay rights = more Neil Patrick Harris goodness.  He hits on the best way to get conservative blowhards interested in equal rights.

I have a relative, and estranged friends, who are gay. I hope they understand why I’m being indirect in saying this, since I care about their well-being, and would be afraid, in this world of ours, that something bad might happen to them as a result. That even now, in the midst of an unprecedented worldwide economic collapse after horrible mismanagement of that one country that thinks it’s “exceptional”, there are people out there who aren’t satisfied with worrying about their own coffers and would go out of their way to abridge the rights of a minority group (with intention only, as far as I can see, to make themselves feel better after that whole “causing an economic meltdown” silliness)… well, the whole thing baffles me. I have been thinking lately that I’m not nearly cynical enough. If you care about having your rights intact, then you must care about everyone’s rights — yes, including all those people that your damn holy books may or may not (read Leviticus more carefully, asshats) actually condemn.

To my friends and family: I’m sorry I wasn’t around to protect you or “your people” while you were growing up, and discovering you were expected by society to do something unnatural to you, and all the pain that resulted from learning to deal with that dichotomy. In some cases I was oblivious, or had hints, or in some cases just didn’t know you soon enough in your life to have made any kind of difference. Now that I have a voice out here on the interwebs, though, I got your backs now. Small consolation though that might be.

Afterthought: the fact that I have to put this into Politics is sad, considering basic human rights shouldn’t be something up for political debate.

Prop 8: The Musical