The Feministiest Feminist That Ever Feministed

From the comments on Julie Burchill, the brilliant Pennyposh (whose blog you should absolutely go read immediately) had this to say and it bears repeating. Over and over and over again:

The point is not to be the feministiest feminist that ever feministed. The point is compassion for our fellow human beings. It’s about the freedom to be, the freedom to express ourselves in whatever way we feel fits us best. It’s about freedom from prejudice and hatred and bile, freedom from arbitrary societal expectations. It’s about the basic human right to simply exist as you are. It is the right to simply be oneself, free from the hatred of others.

Any time you are not fighting for that right, you are not fighting for feminism.
If you fancy seeing more of that Penny has to say, she’s expanded on the topic today with Feminism is a Human Rights Movement. You could do a lot worse than having a click of it, I’d say. She’s only been blogging there a month or so but she has oodles of brilliant stuff up already. 
The Feministiest Feminist That Ever Feministed

You Don’t Own Me

Thing the first:

this is brilliant.

“You Don’t Own Me” PSA from You Don’t Own Me on Vimeo.

Thing the Second:

Want to get involved in making an Irish version? Y’know you do! Pop an email over to prochoicedublin at gmail dawt com, grab a webcam and a bunch of uppity women/uterus-havers/combination-of-above and get singing, karaoke-style! Doooo iiiiiit.

You Don’t Own Me