Updates and Plans at the Tea Cosy

As you can probably tell, things have been pretty busy here at Tea Cosy Central over the past few days. Many cuppas have been had and Serious Topics discussed as NaBloPoMo gets into full swing. It’s been a hell of a lot of research and hard work, but it’s also been awesome. I’m loving getting to know all the new bloggers and commenters I’m connecting with.

However, I’m afraid that things are going to slow down a little over the next week or so, because of a couple of Very Exciting Things going on. I’ll still be getting at least a post up every day, but I may be a weensy bit distracted from dealing with Serious Business. Don’t you worry, the serious topics’ll still be there when I’m back.

The first of these is that I’m off to Glasgow for a week to visit my gorgeous, amazing, fabulous and wonderful girlfriend. I haven’t seen her in a couple of months, and I’ve never-ever been to Glasgow before. Much as I love blogging, I have a feeling that exploring a new city and spending oodles of time with my sweetie may take priority. Just sayin’.

By the way, if there’s any Tea Cosy readers from around Glasgow, you should totally hit me up and say hey.

The second exciting thing happening? After I get back from Glasgow, on the weekend of the 17th and 18th November, is one of the biggest events in the Irish student calendar. Pink Training! Where hundreds of LGBT students and allies from all over the country gather for a weekend of workshops and, well, all sorts of shenanigans. Every year, PT brings that wonderful combination of fun, learning and poignancy that never fails to be memorable. I’ll be giving not one, not two, but three workshops over the course of the weekend. I’ll be running a Coming Out workshop, one on Bi Awareness, and also a Bi Safer Space. I absolutely can’t wait- I’ve been giving workshops at PT for a few years now, and it’s always a wonderful experience. Of course, this means that I’ll be busy putting together the absolute best workshops I can between now and then, and for the weekend will be off hanging out with wonderful, inspiring queermos from all over the country, and sitting back with the rest of the old fogies and sniffling at how adorable the young wans are these days.

Throughout all of this I absolutely plan to keep blogging daily! But posts will probably be a bit shorter. While I’m in the UK I won’t have mobile internet most of the time (data roaming is expensive and I am an unemployed broke person), and will be relying on whatever wifi I can find around, so I’ll probably also be a bit slower to mod new commenters and contribute to comment threads. I’m going to rely on You Lot to be civil and not to wreck the place while I’m busy makin’ smoochie faces with my lady. ‘Kay?

Have any of you been to Glasgow? Where should I go, what should I do? How about Pink Training- have you ever attended it or something like it? What did it mean to you? For so many people, PT is one of the first times they’ve felt like they truly belonged in a space. Have you ever had that kind of experience? Where was it, what was it like?


Updates and Plans at the Tea Cosy

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