Plugging time!

I’m not normally one for major plugging- have far too ingrained a sense of post-Catholic guilt for that sort of carry-on. However, here’s something I would really, really like to share with you all. Now, you might say that I’m biased about this one. You’d be right, of course. But I didn’t start off biased, and if the lovely Maki Yamazaki managed to sweep me offmy feet with her lovely ukuleleing (among other things) then I see no reason why you all won’t love what she does too.

Which is an awfully drawn-out way of saying that my girlfriend is making a ukulele album. She’ll be playing Nottinghamshire Pride in a few weeks, and would love to have it done by then, but these things ain’t free and she’ll need some help.

Now, I know that not all of you are swimming in oceans of delicious spare money to be throwing at every gorgeous, talented queer musician with an album to make. And that’s fine! But do check out the video and the funding campaign. And if you have a few eurodollarpounds to throw her way, that would be amazing. Or if you’ve a tumblr or a facebook or a twitter lying about, sharing is wonderful too. And if you’re anywhere near Nottinghamshire for Pride, you should absolutely check ‘er out.

Her funding campaign is here. Enjoy!

Plugging time!

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