Clothed Immodesty

Readers, many men think that by simply covering up, they’re engaging in Mandesty. Unfortunately, that is not the case. As we’ve discussed before Modesty is also about your attitude and how you carry yourself. But Modesty is also about WHAT you wear.

Sir, those pants are too tight! Please, think of your future children and let that area breath!

What is going on with those sleeves?


Here we have the reverse problem. OK pants, but the shirt, sir. That V-neck isn’t modest. No one will look at your eyes.

What is the point of suspenders?
Why bother wearing clothes at all, young man?!

As we all know, mainstream media isn’t immune from immodesty.

Captain America: Immodest Soldier

Oh Mr. Rogers…this isn’t the American way at all.

Clothed Immodesty