#MacDebate Final Impressions

Post Debate Thoughts:

‪#‎Harper‬ comes off completely disconnected from Canadians. I don’t think there is a more poignant example of this where when asked about changing away from first past the post he answered that Canadian’s don’t want that. The results of the Macleans poll was that 84% wanted it. There was a lot of double speak, like saying that a leader takes responsibility and that the senate scandal wasn’t his fault. Which is classic Harper: “I take responsibility by blaming someone else.” It’s what he did on the abortion bill, on the election fraud, on every single time his party was shown to me mismanaged and full of criminals.

‪#‎May‬ Had some great Zingers tonight and certainly represented herself well. Since she was often cut off quickly which helped make her sound more concise. However, I also cannot forget that when it comes to issues like sexual assault, May doesn’t side with women. I enjoyed the fact that she just seemed to be laughing and shaking her head at all the men there the whole time‪#‎lovemesomemisandry‬

‪#‎Mulcair‬ had his moments, and I think he presented himself fairly well. He pointed out both Trudeau’s and Harper’s hypocrisies. He made some good points. I think that while he lacks the charisma of Layton, he presents himself as an option. I hope that he continues the NDPs devotion to improving social policies including better funded welfare and disability programs so that people like me can stop living in crisis. Also I support wholeheartedly his promise to repeal C-51 which makes Canadians less safe not only from terrorism but from our own potentially tyrannical government. He could be stronger on environmental issues, but he is an improvement over the Libs and the Cons.

‪#‎Trudeau‬ sounded like a highschool polished jock running for class president. His awkwardness at the end of his closing remarks in not recognizing and sticking with a natural end point. He kind of reminds me of Buck Dewey from Steven Universe, ‪#‎ImMyFathersSon‬ We get it Justin. Protip, try not to mention that as much in the French debate. Also, anyone who thinks C-51 is a good idea is not someone I trust to make decisions.

Justin Trudeau wearing Buck Dewey's glasses and hear from Steven Universe, with the Caption I'm Trudeau's son.

#MacDebate Final Impressions