Mandesty: What is it & Style Tips

Simply put Mandesty is modesty for men.

But WHAT is modesty? Well, the dictionary defines it as,

the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one’s abilities.
“with typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others”
synonyms: self-effacement, humility, unpretentiousness;

the quality of being relatively moderate, limited, or small in amount, rate, or level.
“the modesty of his political aspirations”

synonyms: limited scope, moderation
“the modesty of his aspirations”
behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.

plural noun: modesties
“modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people”

synonyms: unpretentiousness, simplicity, plainness
“the modesty of his home”

We’ve all seen modest dress guides for women. We’ve all shared a meme rightfully shaming a starlet for immodest dress. So, when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, making sure my friends were part of the 3% who shared that meme about Jesus, I came across many posts showing half-naked men. It occurred to me that we aren’t teaching our boys modesty. So, I took up the challenge. I also share some quick ways to ensure you’re modest in dress, young men!

Men, you don’t want to cause lustful thoughts in women! In order to avoid that refrain from the following:

Tight or see-through tops are a big no-no. Your sacred nipples are for your wife’s eyes only.
Avoid showing your shoulders and back. It is well-known that women cannot control themselves at the sight of bare shoulders. It is on you to not cause impure thoughts in others.
Long or three-quarter sleeves are ideal.
Shorts should not be above the knee. The short shown below are an appropriate example of modest dress:


Bonus: All those extra pockets will come in handy for your pocket bibles!

Make sure the pants are loose enough as to not accentuate your naughty lumps.

What you wear is not only an expression of yourself but it also sends a message to others. Think: How do you want others to see you? Do want the future mother of your children to think of you as easy?
How would feel if your son dressed immodestly?
Fathers, it is up to you!

Finally, aside from these style tips, I advise you to keep your body hair to a minimum. That is, you should only have hair on your head and brows. Excess body hair is unsightly and unhygienic. Avoid tattoos and piercings. Your body is a precious temple!

And the best style tip of all: SMILE! You never know when you might run into The One. You don’t want her thinking you have a full range of human emotions, now do you?!

Oh and as for the offending “friend” sharing those immodest pictures, I sent them a strongly worded PM and then I reported them to Facebook. Nothing happened and then I realized why! Mark himself has fallen for the depravity of the world! I pray he may learn of modesty.



Mandesty: What is it & Style Tips

4 thoughts on “Mandesty: What is it & Style Tips

  1. 1

    I appreciate the example of the below the knee shorts, but I am disturbed by the unsightly leg hair on the man’s calves. Why is it so hard for men to get this right?

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