Some Old Lady Fell Over and Everyone’s In A Tizzy…I Think?

…or maybe I should say “Some lady”, but since Hillary’s age keeps getting brought up (did McCain get this much shit over his age when he ran?), I’ll roll with this.

So yeah, for the first time ever:


Hilary’s been sick. You know, like we’ve all been.  Hillary’s been working while sick.  You know like, we all have once or twice or more times in our lives.

But since we’re not running for Prez and she is, apparently this is something to get all concerned about.  From thinkpieces wondering if it’s possible to faint from heat exposure (WTF?) to other such ridiculous and sudden CONCERNS about her health from the right, this is just getting ridonkulous.

We’ve had prezes and vice-prezes work through illness, chronic and short term.  One vice had a heart transplant.  One prez had depression.  One had fucking polio and was in a wheelchair. One choked on a damn pretzel. And that’s just off the top of my fucking head, never mind the moments we don’t know about, having a cold or the flu or the runs or whatever. But this candidate, wearing a Kevlar vest under her suit in 80 something degree weather while sick as balls, faints and we’re all supposed to just…do…what?  Wish her well?  I mean that’s the only sensible thing to do when someone you know is sick.  Should we all line up at her next campaign stop with casseroles? That’s something else do can do when someone you know is sick.

Look, her being a lady and high profile doesn’t prevent her from getting ill.  I’d bet my top denture plate that she even worked while sick as Secretary of State. Or as Senator.  Or as *gasp* First Lady!  Shit happens, especially on a high-stakes campaign.

So, everyone chill the fuck out. Or you can laugh with me as, as a friend of mine put it on Facebook, as Trump gets his ass kicked by an old lady with pneumonia.

Some Old Lady Fell Over and Everyone’s In A Tizzy…I Think?

2 thoughts on “Some Old Lady Fell Over and Everyone’s In A Tizzy…I Think?

  1. 1

    Hillary’s age keeps getting brought up (did McCain get this much shit over his age when he ran?)

    Trump is 70, two years older than Clinton is. And yet there is little coverage of the current election that focuses on Trump’s age. The gendered asymmetry is striking.

  2. 2

    McCain got some grief about his age–not initially, but once the campaign got rolling, there were a number of points where it became obvious the grueling endurance test of the campaign was getting to him (he’d get distracted or bumble through interviews and speeches, for instance). But even those were always done with a relatively respectful air–and probably only really got stressed because of his V.P. candidate (since, of course, “President Palin” became more of a possibility than she would’ve been if McCain was young and fit).

    So, yes, it happened, but nowhere near as much, as early, as unsupported or as nasty as what’s getting hurled at Clinton. You know, par for the course.

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