A SNARKY Response To “Questions Blacks Have for SJWs” Part Two

Need a drink yet? I sure do!  Let’s finish this shit up so I can have some Scotch. Why in all of the hells do I do this to myself?

Why people in BLM seem to think that rioting in your community, destroying your own businesses, and doing all these things are going to help bring people into the fold? Spoiler: It’s not helping, at all.

Here, let me help you with that Google search: “Ferguson investigation”.

And, I’m sorry MLK’s constantly spinning corpse, but I’m going to have to use your quote again:

“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?…It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”



Just be honest here, in your mind, there is never a point in time where men won’t have privilege over women. You’re going to be fighting this battle until you die, aren’t you?



What gives you the right to tell me that black-on-black crime is an illegitimate concern when I, as a young black man, lived the reality that the demographic most likely to end my life is other young black men

Yo, TylerPreston20, you missed this one in your earlier “black-on-black crime” trilogy.

And if this concern is so much for you, T, join or start a group against it.  They exist.  Use the Google box, ask around your neighborhood.  Are anti-SJWs just this lazy or what?


What is your adversion to black people liking the Constitution, because my free speech is in there, my right to own a gun is in there, and I kinda like that.

Good for you?  Also, congrats on one question on a new topic.


Why do a lot of you say you’re inspried by Martin Luther King Jr., but then get mad when people say All Lives Matter because that is the very basis, that is the very foundation of his dream?

*sigh* Third verse, same of the first:

“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?…It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”



Does this so-called “Eurocentric” point of beauty bother you so much if you still get men to date you.  I mean, if you’re still dating men would that not mean you’re attractive to someone? So why do advertisements bother you so much when in reality it’s a proven fact that you’re beautiful to someone.

…wow. I feel less intelligent just listening to that and even less so transcribing it.  Dude, take the entire concept of “woman” out of your face, you just look silly. Aren’t you supposed to be Going Your Own Way anyway?


Why do so many of you have nose rings? Isn’t that cultural appropriation?

I have a nose right, so no.  It’s not. At least not for me.


Why did you make riot shaming a thing. Seriously, it makes no logical sense. When you riot, you should be shamed–people who do go riot should be ashamed. They should be saying “hey, that’s a bad thing.”  I know we talk about the bigotry of bullets but (initelligble) Come one!



Why do you cherry pick the dictionary? I mean, you use the definition of feminism on any given day to try to prove to us what feminism is about. But when I go to the same book and pull out the definition of egalitarianism, then you look at me like I’m stupid and tell that’s not valid

Sorry that using the term feminism gives you cooties, so you have to ruin another perfectly good word to mask your dislike of women.

Wait, not sorry.


When you get rid of Western values which has treated everyone a lot better than in other cultures, what are you going to replace it with?

Western values brought us the line of thinking that we Black folk are not fully human. Trash it as far as I’m concern and bring on values that don’t do that to us or anyone else.


Um, what exactly is your endgame? Like at what point would you acknowledge that our society is equal or that are no systemic oppression or anything going on? What are your victory conditions, I guess is a better question to ask.

My own harem of Kpop stars who do private concerts and feed me peeled grapes.
To be able to smash catcallers in the face with a cricket bat and get away with it.
Mandatory vasctomies for everyone with a penis
Free birth control kiosks on every corner for any reason
Oh, and three more cats, and an empty large Crystal Skull Vodka bottle.

You guys complain about systemic racism, however you don’t consider affirmation action systemic racism.

Because it’s not.
Wow, that was easy. NEXT!


Why do you call me a coon just for having a different opinion than you? Do you even know what a coon or an Uncle Tom is?

Serious Me: I sure wish black folks would stop using these terms to each other.  Yeah, even to Black conservatives.


Why do you guys call me an Uncle Tom?

See the above answer.


If you have such a problem with the fact that there’s not a lot of women in STEM then why is that you are not in the STEM field right now? Yes, you. I’m talking to you.

You’re talking to me? Well then, I suppose I MUST answer this bullshit.  I was in school for Computer Science.  I dropped out due to my mental health issues.  Would you like to know more or is that as far in my business as you want to get?

Also, Google “Girls in STEM” to find programs that are trying to solve that problem in a much more intelligent way.


If you hate America so bad, why don’t you just leave? That boat-plane to Africa is right there.

First: Fuck you. Most of us didn’t voluntarily come here, re-fucking-member?
Second: Have you looked up plane ticket prices?
Third: “Go back to Africa” is some white racist shit you’re parroting, so double fuck you.
Fourth: No. I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.  Now what?


When you complain about injustice and then proceed to shut down anyone engaging in discussion about these injustices because they don’t conform to your narrative, what do you think is going to be the end result? Emotional tantrums don’t lead to reform, they lead to broken windows and tear gas

…and investigations.  And arrests.  Seriously, if Google isn’t your thing, try Bing.


Do you honestly think ethnic minorities can’t be racist just because they don’t have a lot of “societal” power? And if that is the cavat to why they can’t be racist, wouldn’t the definition by itself more imply classism than racism?



Why do you guys think the whites owe you money for reparations, even though they are not the original slave owners?

Well, hundreds of years of free labor sure adds up.  Not our fault if no one’s paid the bill yet…


If a feminist bitching about inequality is in a forest and no one is around to hear her, is she still wrong about everything that she says?

Tee-hee, you made a funny! Wait, let me see if I can do a funny koan too!”
What is the sound of one MRA douchehole making any type of sense?

Nothing! Because you sad bastards never make any type of sense!


Why do white SJWs act like they’ve owned a slave and need to apologize for it?

Not white, but have never encountered this.  Again, what kind of white folks do YOU know?


Why do you have to hijack everyone’s events and make it about yourself?

Everyone’s?  Really? No examples? Damn, the video is full of so many moldy strawman that I’m surprised anyone watching it doesn’t end up with a case of hay fever.


How can you be up in arms and mourn the deaths of someone who died innocently on your side, but when other people are killed, for instance white people or cops, you celebrate their deaths, despite the fact that those people were innocent also. Is innocent killing bad or not?

You really need someone to hold your precious little hand and bring you the links of BLM agitating over at least two white men killed by cops that I know off.  And how they have to literally mea culpa when a cop is killed during one of their rallies.

But I’m not holding your hand. Ew.


(unintelligible) Fuck everything!

That’s exactly how I feel about this video too! Fuck everything and everyone involved!  Y’all can say sleep if you want, but it’s the ones who get up and out and are woke who are changing things.

Whew! I can’t believe I’m done.  There’s a Part Two of the video, but I ain’t touching it. There is only so much rank ass ignorance I can deal with, and I’ve watched YADA videos.


A SNARKY Response To “Questions Blacks Have for SJWs” Part Two

3 thoughts on “A SNARKY Response To “Questions Blacks Have for SJWs” Part Two

  1. 1

    Just be honest here, in your mind, there is never a point in time where men won’t have privilege over women. You’re going to be fighting this battle until you die, aren’t you?

    I like this one, because it implies we’re near immortal: we’ll die when time itself dies :-p

  2. 2

    If you hate America so bad, why don’t you just leave? That boat-plane to Africa is right there.

    First: Fuck you. Most of us didn’t voluntarily come here, re-fucking-member?

    I’m a white male, and I didn’t come here voluntarily either. I was born here, just like you, just like your bigot commenter. Kinda moots that point. And working, fighting against injustice isn’t hating America, it’s improving America so we one day might be “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    Keep that finger ready!

  3. 3

    “Why do a lot of you say you’re inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., but then get mad when people say All Lives Matter because that is the very basis, that is the very foundation of his dream?”

    Straw man. “Black Lives Matter” does not mean “Only Black Lives Matter”, and nobody in the BLM movement ever said it does. Anyone giving it an honest reading understands it means “Blacks are doing too much of the dying.”

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