How? How? Fucking HOW?

Some conservative wastrel claims that gay marriage will destroy the institution of marriage, or, more recently, that ‘bathroom bills’ will protect da chillens.

Some jackass religious jackass claims that trans folks will cause the Death of God.

Atheists will have Christians sent to gulags if we continue to stop Christians from placing their religious shit on public property.

Teaching proper comprehensive sex ed will encourage kids to have teh secks.

Any sort of gun regulation is one step from taking all of the guns.

A basic income will make everyone lazy and not want to work ever.

While there are many concise arguments as to why all of these claims are complete bunk, pulled directly out of the claimants rectum, or just one huge layer cake of WTF with bullshit frosting out there, easily Googlable by anyone, there is one question I wish someone who ask these people.


No, really.  HOW?

How is allowing a trans woman to use the ladies room causing the children harm?

How is the currently legalization of same-gender marriages destroying the fabric of society?

How is telling pharmacists to do their fucking jobs and give patients prescribed meds they don’t personally agree with protecting everyone’s religious liberty?

How? How? How?

Call them on it right then and there.  Make them explain it.  They give a bunch of buzz words and dogwhistles? Make them explain THOSE. Make them explain it like the audience is three year old. Don’t let them move on until they’ve explained it.

This would do two things, I think:

  1. Let others see exactly what their motivations actually are.
  2. Maybe, just maybe, if they can hear with their own ears how dipshitty their words sounds

I mean, if one could break down “pharmacists have the right to refuse service based on religious beliefs” to “I want to make it more difficult for those whores to get their baby killing pills” all on their own, think about what sort of difference it could make!

…maybe I should ease up on my sweetheart’s Glenmorangie, given that I’m writing this on a Saturday night.

How? How? Fucking HOW?

3 thoughts on “How? How? Fucking HOW?

  1. 1

    Big fan of confronting conservatives, here. Pretty much every space is a safe space for them: they are rarely if ever challenged on their noxious views, much less their evidence and reasoning (such as it is). Not that you will ever convince conservatives themselves of the error(s) of their ways, but it’s worth standing up to them if only for the benefit of others who have never witnessed such a thing…i.e., nearly everyone. (Provided it is safe for one to do so, of course.)

    More importantly: easing up on one’s sweetheart’s Glenmorangie on a Saturday night is a terrible idea!

    -Someone who doesn’t use exclamation marks just willy-nilly.

  2. 2

    Why are non sequiturs (“It does not follow”) the only arguments religious and political followers use?

    An anagram of “non sequitur” is “Question? Run!” which is the response of the unthinkingly obedient to questions.

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