Entitled Employers

Ugh, so there’s a meme going around whining yet again about how this generation is lazy and entitled and don’t want to work the high stress job of chef’s assistant and blah blah blah.

And of course the Millennial Hate Amen Choir starts up to agree and my eyes roll out of my head.

I read the requirement and immediately stopped at “comes to work when sick” and then stopped again at “comes to work when sick to prove that they are sick”. Call me germaphobic, but I’d rather not have anyone from front staff to kitchen staff to the folks who wash the dishes coming into a dining establishment sick. If that’s a definition of “hard work”, treating your employees like lying children, then give me lazy. My immune system will thank you.

And you know what? I’m done with being told that this generation is ‘lazy’ when it comes to jobs. Growing up, we were told that we had to get an education because working a McJob was the worst thing ever. And now we’re told that we’re too entitled because maybe we want to either work a job that pays more or that we want the McJob we already have to pay us more.

The entitlement is with the companies. They’re the ones who try to get double the work with half the staff. They’re ones who fire their employees and then rehire them as contractors. They’re the ones cheaping out on the hours so they don’t have to give their employees health insurance. They’re the ones who hire temps for 2,3,4,5 years, add on to their responsibilities, and don’t even bother giving them a raise, ever mind an upgrade to full time employment.

They’re the ones who feel entitled to their employee’s time outside of working hours. They’re the ones who feel entitled to their employee’s labor, but not enough to pay them well for it. They’re the ones with no loyalty to labor.

And they got the damn nerve to get all pissy when workers demand to be treated as human. Yes, we want our breaks, yes we want our lunches, yes we want a space to pump breast milk, yes we want more vacation hours, yes we want sick days and be treated like adults when we take one, yes we want insurance, yes we want a better work/life balance, yes we want an actual work/life balance. Yes we want a better deal than the previous generation before us got because I’ll be damned if shit ain’t all that great for us now.

So, like, fuck that.

Entitled Employers

3 thoughts on “Entitled Employers

  1. 1

    Ooh, this pisses me off so much. I have watched my little sister get treated like absolute crap at her jobs. It’s pure exploitation. Employers that have no choice but to hire local people (I.e. Americans) and can’t move the whole franchise overseas to exploit those workers, want to be able to exploit them in this country.

    I got super fed up with how Walmart treats is labor force. How their workers are so poor, they are still on food stamps. It’s enraging. Not only that but the places themselves are a toxic stew of people with all manner emotional and personal issues, taking that out on each other. It’s horrible.

    1. 1.1

      Bernie Sanders points out that WalMart, b/c most employees receive gov’t assistance b/c they are paid so poorly, and scheduled for just a titch less than a 40 hour week at which point they WOULD get bennies. Those who have the health ins policy find it’s got a lot of holes in it.

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