Video: Couple mocks the killing of Eric Garner has a bunch of synonyms for ‘mocking’:








Each of these words describes the actions of the couple in the following video. PIX11 reporter Allison Kaden was in the middle of discussing the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree when a couple re-enacted the chokehold move that killed Eric Garner.

Eric Garner was killed by law enforcement officers while engaged in no activity that warrants extrajudicial killing.

Black people across the country continue to get killed by law enforcement officers on a regular basis while engaged in no activity that warrants extrajudicial killing.

African-Americans have led protests across the country in the wake of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.  The protests are about more than the tragic deaths of those two men. The protests are about the abuse of police powers, the disproportionate impact of policing on People of Color, and the unfair treatment that PoC receive in the criminal justice system.

But apparently all of that is not important to that couple. No, to them, the protests, the deaths of Black Americans, the differential treatment of Black Americans by police departments across the country…that’s all material to mine for mockery. For laughing at. For treating as if it isn’t a big deal.  Look fuckers, we get it, black lives don’t matter.  We really didn’t need you to remind us of that.  So please do go fuck yourselves.

Video: Couple mocks the killing of Eric Garner