Diet Racism

With a headline like that, you’ve got to be scratching your head.  Just watch the video and all will be hilariously depressing in your world.

MAN: If there’s a “Black Entertainment Network,” shouldn’t there be a “White Entertainment Network?”

The above statement is like saying it isn’t enough that there are hundreds of channels on tv made by white people, for white people, featuring white people.  No, there must be a channel made by white people, for white people, featuring white people.  Where were these people in the early years of Nick at Night? It’s not enough that the vast array of television shows to this day feature primarily white characters?  Nope. They gotta have a tv channel all for them.  Because white people have suffered so much in the US.  They’ve been oppressed and marginalized for such a long time.  They’ve been denied representation across all media platforms, especially television.  Uh huh…

WOMAN: You know, I’m not racist, but I would never date an Asian guy. Blegh.

If you’re a Christian and you say this, you ought to be scared that your god will smite you.

MAN: Stop and frisk shouldn’t be a problem if you’ve got nothing to hide.

Get back to me when people of your ethnicity have been stopped and frisked in far greater numbers than people of other ethnicities.  Til then, shut yer face.

Diet Racism