That’s it. I’m done with Dawkins.

He doesn’t understand a damn thing about Rape Culture.  He also doesn’t understand what rape even IS.  He’s been told over and over again to listen to what people are telling him. He’s been told that he’s privilege blind. He’s been told that he takes to social media and expresses himself inelegantly at best, and offensive at worst.  He continues to pay no heed to the people explaining to him how he’s wrong.  I’m done with him. I want no part of anything to do with him.  I really want to burn my copy of the God Delusion.

Fuck you Richard Dawkins. To infinity and beyond.


Update:  Apparently Dawkins has deleted his Tweet.  I guess he’s trying to cover his tracks. Or perhaps he listened to someone and realized how harmful his Tweet was…naaah.

That’s it. I’m done with Dawkins.

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