Michele Bachmann says dumb shit…again

She may be on her way out, but Rep. Bachmann still has time to say completely idiotic shit:

“Foreign nationals that have come into the United States are between 300- to 500,000,” Bachmann told an incredulous Crossfire co-host Van Jones. “My heart is broken for a female college student in Minnesota who was raped, murdered and mutilated by a foreign national who came into our country. We had a school bus full of kids in Minnesota — four children were killed on that school bus because an illegal alien driving a van went into that schoolbus.”

What she’s talking about is unclear.  This could be the school bus incident she’s referring to, but she doesn’t make it explicit.  Plus, that was in 2008.  This is 2014, and she’s ostensibly talking about the immigrant children coming to the US that has the GOP up in arms.  How a horrible incident in 2008 relates to that is unknown.  It is also unclear who she is referring to when speaking about a female college student who was raped.  Nor do we know how that horrible act relates to the wave of immigrant children venturing to the United States.

What does seem to be clear is that Rep. Bachmann is attempting to link two horrible events with the waves of immigrant children coming into the US, and she’s not using any logic whatsoever to connect the events.  Is she scared that children as young as toddlers, coming from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, are here to rape college students?  Is she worried their presence will lead to horrible accidents throughout the US?  Has she forgotten that these are children and teens we’re talking about?  Why is she eyeing them with suspicion and uncertainty?   Does she have evidence that these children are a threat to the US? Or is she engaging in xenophobic fear-mongering?  Somehow I don’t think we’re going to get concrete answers.

I wish that Rep. Bachmann would display some empathy and compassion.  In many cases, these children are coming from areas with crushing poverty and extreme violence:

Although there has always been crushing poverty in Central America, violence in the region has escalated in recent years. For example, Honduras has the most murders per capita of any country.

Drug cartels and gangs are at the root of the increased violence. Some of these children are fleeing gang initiations, according to several reports.

Where is her compassion?  Why doesn’t she seem to care that these children are fleeing horrible circumstances?  Does she not care?  Silly questions, I know. We’re talking about Michele Bachmann here of course she doesn’t give a flying fuck about immigrant children.  Maybe if they were a different color

Michele Bachmann says dumb shit…again