Study: even though women ask for raises, they don’t get them

Why do women get fewer raises and less compensation for the same jobs, when they’re equally skilled? Because they don’t ask for those raises, so the myth goes. Turns out that’s not the whole story, though. Women DO ask for raises as often, they just don’t get them.

And that’s still not the whole story, oh no — the whole story is even worse, and even more entrenched, than anyone suspected.

Women who initiated such conversations and changed jobs post MBA experienced slower compensation growth than the women who stayed put. For men, on the other hand, it paid off to change jobs and negotiate for higher salaries—they earned more than men who stayed did. And we saw that as both men’s and women’s careers progress, the gender gap in level and pay gets even wider.

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Study: even though women ask for raises, they don’t get them