Maddow: The long history of violence in the anti-choice movement

If you imagine yourself to be defending free speech when you laud the Supreme Court for overturning a buffer zone law, mandating that protesters can’t swarm over abortion clinic patients intimidating them, then you have no sweet clue what “free speech” is. The violence and outright terrorism that happens at abortion protests, that buffer zones have actually helped to curtail to a degree, is not “free speech”.

Maddow: The long history of violence in the anti-choice movement

Maddow: Paul Ryan Pals Around with Right-Wing Terrorists

Hey, remember the whole “palling around with terrorists” argument, about Bill Ayers? Yeah, it was misdirection.

Rachel Maddow has to do a lot of framing — over ten minutes — to give the scope of this issue before getting to the “punchline”, being Paul Ryan’s latest nonsense and the Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists’ latest outrages.

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Maddow: Paul Ryan Pals Around with Right-Wing Terrorists

Russia Times on SOPA/PIPA media blackout

With all the fooforaw surrounding the Republican race-to-the-bottom, the mainstream media has effectively ignored SOPA and PIPA. This is why we, the residents of the Internet, need to fight it. Yesterday, your access to Freethought Blogs was slightly inconvenienced via a splash page. Your access to Wikipedia was inconvenienced with a Javascript pop-over blackout. Your access to Reddit was eliminated entirely. And even Google censored their logo in protest.

But the mainstream media has been strangely silent.
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Russia Times on SOPA/PIPA media blackout