Indie film does Catwoman fight scene as good as Arkham City

Back home, and already missing Minneapolis and the wonderful people therein. Got in at 1:30am last night, had to work in the morning, so I didn’t have time to schedule anything for this morning. I’ll post now the two items I’d prepared on the plane last night.

If you haven’t had a chance to play Batman: Arkham City, you really should. The combat, exploration, plot, graphics, controls, basically everything is perfect. Except… there’s one little problem I have with it. The blatant oversexualization of, and sexist slurs cast by thugs about, Catwoman. I’ll need to post something about it some day, probably the next time I play the game and hear a random thug mention “having fun with” her. The non-consensual kind of fun.

So, seeing a choreographed fight aimed at mimicking Catwoman’s fighting style in Arkham City, sans the extra sexist nonsense, e.g. the “catcalls” or ludicrously unzipped-to-her-navel catsuit (how’s that supposed to block out all the visible flesh as a matter of practicality when she’s trying to lurk in shadows exactly!?), was pretty nice. Many kudos to the Thousand Pounds Action Company for kicking so much ass. Video below the fold.
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Indie film does Catwoman fight scene as good as Arkham City