Comments on: r/MensRights reminds me why I don't Reddit ... Because I don't watch enough hockey, drink enough beer, or eat enough bacon. Sun, 01 Sep 2013 00:01:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Foss Sun, 01 Sep 2013 00:01:27 +0000 Jason:

What’s wrong with dicks that you have to use it as a gendered slur?

Dicks are great. I’m quite fond of mine. That doesn’t stop me from not wanting to have one on my head, or for a head.

By: Rutee Katreya Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:04:05 +0000

How are you even judging it? By the number of Mangry MRAs you see shouting online and derailing your discussions vs ?? the imaginary number you’ve made up of effective MRAs donating money and out on the streets working for progress (since you don’t know and can’t know – you’re not there when that happens)

Actually, it’d be by the number of times any of your activists ever mention a useful cause – which is damn near never, and the few times they do, it’s something good they’ve misunderstood (The Innocence Project is chief here; the Innocence Project doesn’t say women are liars, it says cops are fuck ups). Whereas it takes about 10 seconds to find a feminist promoting a good, useful cause for the right reasons; most of which is the time it takes for you to type ‘’ and such.

By: A Voice For Men: willing to publish libel to “prove” points about fake rape claims – part 1, math » Lousy Canuck Fri, 30 Aug 2013 15:59:26 +0000 […] « r/MensRights reminds me why I don’t Reddit […]

By: John Horstman Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:54:45 +0000

Protip: the A in your name stands for “activist”, not “asshole”.

False! Based on extensive empirical data, it most definitely most often stands for “asshole”.


(Why is categorical hatred something that some people’s brains seem so enthusiastic about? And why such arbitrary categories?)

To a large extent, it’s because that’s how our brains evolved. We come up with archetypes (or stereotypes) to broadly represent all of the members of a given group (“food”, “poison”, “friends”, etc.) and then differentiate individuals with which/whom we are more familiar. Not every zucchini is identical, but they’re generally similar enough that I can save tons of time and processing by simply treating every zucchini as though it were my archetypal abstraction of the group “zucchini”, and only differentiating when there’s evidence that it’s likely to differ (for example, brown mushy spots suggest it’s a rotten zucchini). Stereotyping is a survival tactic: not every lion is hungry and wants to eat you, but the person acting as though that were the case is probably going to live longer than the one who doesn’t stereotype lions as ‘dangerous’.

This heuristic becomes extremely problematic when it’s applied to people, and even more so in largely-heterogeneous societies (as oppose to largely-homogenous societies that existed when geographic features served to culturally and genetically isolate groups of humans from each other). This is certainly a case where people ought to be fighting this tendency, but the process by which it occurs – building abstracted schemata for groups based on an archetype – is common, and there are a number of plausible theories as to why we do it (the one I find most likely being described above). Considering all relevant data, including context, is both time-consuming and difficult, which provides an additional appeal (beyond familiarity and the self-serving nature of the categorical hatred in many cases) for solely relying on a heuristic, even when the heuristic has been shown to be extremely unreliable in cases similar to the one in question.

The categories aren’t arbitrary, they’re the product of socialization within a given cultural-historical context, as impacted by a given individual’s personal history (I include physical history in “personal history”, so one’s physical environmental exposures and genetic makeup are part of that). They’re likely to seem odd or even baseless to people unfamiliar with the socialization context and process of the person in question.

By: Pieter B, FCD Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:19:58 +0000 @Persephone

I’m going to be that person and mention that for every twenty horrible sub-Reddits like /r/MensRights there’s a really good one

In other words, Ted Sturgeon was an optimist.

By: Jafafa Hots Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:15:33 +0000

It’s just as bad as writing off all of Texas

No, it’s not like that at all.
I don’t use Reddit, but I’ll take your word for it that the majority of the users are obnoxious.

It’s hard to pick up and move out of state.
It’s very easy to leave a website. Takes one click.

And the website is a business. A business that protects, enables and profits from these assholes.
And from your support as well.

It’s a lot harder boycotting Walmart than boycotting Reddit… and I’ve managed to boycott Walmart for many years now.

By: Anthony K Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:13:53 +0000 You’d think with all the noise they make about gold-diggers and standing on one’s two feet they’d take their own damn photos for memeisation, Jafafa.

By: Jafafa Hots Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:08:35 +0000 I started getting tons of hits (hundreds) on a flickr photo of mine, and antique carousel rooster.
All from r/MensRights or the blue pill or whatever they call it.

They were discussing women who were “riding the cock carousel,” in other words, sexually active with someone other than the complainant.

Had to delete the photo, and it was one that antique carousel enthusiasts liked a lot, too.
It was like getting caught in a flash-flood of asshole.

By: MissinPost Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:04:33 +0000 “Promise, we would not be mocking and hating if y’all were actual activists for actual men’s rights causes. (Well. Maybe those of you who used words like “red pill” and “mangina” and “beta” and “gynocracy” would still get mocked. A little bit. But if you were out there trying to make the world a better place for marginalized and victimized men, there probably wouldn’t be entire websites devoted to pointing and laughing–or pointing and backing away in disgusted horror.) Just a thought.”

This is just condescending tripe. It’s just like antifeminists who say “Promise, we wouldn’t be mocking your for your hairy legs and your “upper-class white women with no problems pretending to be victims” if *we* judge you to not be doing enough REAL activism (without even knowing you, natch).

How are you even judging it? By the number of Mangry MRAs you see shouting online and derailing your discussions vs ?? the imaginary number you’ve made up of effective MRAs donating money and out on the streets working for progress (since you don’t know and can’t know – you’re not there when that happens)

Ridiculous. If only dopes like you and those antifeminists could dumped on an island where you could spend all day accusing each other of only complaining about each other and not achieving anything, while ignoring everything about them except what they say to you. We can add the Islamophobes who claim that moderate Muslims are silent when they just aren’t listening to them, and all other mopes of that ilk.

By: Bennie Crouch Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:07:55 +0000 The “I couldn’t get wade it….” comment could be a very convoluted way to say that he couldn’t get “through” your entire post an insulting a professional basketball player. Dwayne Wade, an NBA superstar is known for slashing to the rim to score. He often goes through an entire defense to do so. This last season, during the Miami Heats championship run, Dwade’s effectiveness was severely affected by him suffering from extremely painful knee injuries. A lot of people are now saying Dwade is washed up.

Or I might be reading into it just a bi :/
