RCimT Sunday: Godless LOLs

Happy Otherwise-Meaningless-Second-Half-Of-The-Weekend Day, everyone! As it’s traditionally associated with Christian worship, and most of you think Christian worship is kind of silly, it’s only fitting that this become a tradition on this blog: linking to stuff that’s funny at religion’s expense.

So God apparently once said “let there be light” or something. God is also sometimes Jesus, who can apparently also turn on lights. Only to do so, you evidently have to first turn HIM on. Well, that explains all the pedophile priests anyway.

Here’s a list of 281 ways to annoy the piss outta an atheist. #1:
Ask them why they are bitter against God. Yep, and it all goes downhill from there.

Nom nom body of Christ. I notice none of these guys are going after his brains though… how odd.

Hey God, if you exist and are capable of seeing this and interpreting an anchor tag: you are here.

And this isn’t really about God or even religion, but religious folks seem to think Darwin is some kind of science/atheist prophet or something, so I guess this belongs here too or something.


Another feature I’d like to start (if I can remember to do so on a weekly basis), is your Cool Atheist of the Week. And I can think of no better first inductee than Bruce Lee.

Lee felt that anything which substituted the ways or beliefs of others in the place of teaching you how to cultivate your own was a step in the wrong direction. For this reason, Lee was opposed to the doctrines–or rather the dogmas–of organized religion.

When asked by journalist Alex Ben Block in the summer of 1972 what his religious affiliation was, Lee answered: ‘None whatsoever.’

Block then pressed him further, asking him if he then believed in God: ‘To be perfectly frank, I really do not.’


RCimT Sunday: Godless LOLs