Atheists In Love

I should theoretically be posting about the horrible diversion we all encountered recently on my blog, or perhaps about the Quiche Moraine post whose title we have so blatantly ripped off (with love, Stephanie!), but no. This post is to inform you, the interwebs denizens who happen to give a crap about this sort of thing, that Jodi and I have finally finished setting up the wedding blog we’ve been promising since the proposal.

It gets a subfolder on my domain for the time being, though if it should ever move a redirect will be installed in that folder instead.

To everyone who participated in the blogscapade that kicked off our betrothal, consider this our way of giving back. It ain’t much, but if you don’t like it you can shut your word holes.

(I’m betting right now it’ll mostly only be used by our family and friends to keep abreast of the wedding plans, but oh well.)

Atheists In Love