For Instant Outrage, Just Add Sex

As a recession-era college grad who was a drop-out for financial reasons for an entire academic year, I have done all kinds of things in my quest to remain financially independent. A lot of the work I did was not exactly anything that I, as a college graduate from an upper middle class background, expected to ever do. Some of it was interesting and world-view expanding, while much of it exposed to me just how pettily, irrationally, and inefficiently the world is run.

I was able to finish my degree and move back in with my parents to bide my time. Those workers without such resources  have it bad. It is really depressing that in all the fuss that is made about the "degrading" nature of certain types of work, all other degredations present in other forms of work go largely ignored. Continue reading “For Instant Outrage, Just Add Sex”

For Instant Outrage, Just Add Sex