Urgent Final Push for the Secular Women Work Conference

Some of my favorite organizers and people of all time, Chelsea Du Fresne, Monette Richards, and Stephanie Zvan, are proposing a conference for later this year. As Women in Secularism is on hiatus for 2015, they want to make Secular Women Work happen in August.

The Kickstarter for the conference ends in but a few short days and is, as of writing this, just over 60% fulfilled. If have any interest whatsoever in supporting such powerhouses in the movement and the voices for whom they hope to build a platform, please donate and/or share the link on your social media accounts. If you won’t be able to attend, you could always take out an ad in the program or donate your ticket. There are so many options. If you can’t afford to give, your sooner-rather-than-later social media share means more people who can give will see it before it ends.

Between the three of them, they certainly have the organizing chops and my hearty personal endorsement. When I speak of tireless people working for change in the movement, I certainly had them in mind.

Chelsea is one of the people behind Skeptech, which I had the pleasure of speaking at and enjoying last year. At 2014’s CONvergence, I found out that when she’s not the organizer of a conference, she contributes to everyone’s enjoyment of it by being excellent at partying.

Monette is the president of a CFI chapter, a director for Secular Woman, a book tour planner, and a workshop facilitator. I always look for her at conferences with a Secular Woman table because I know there will be all kind of troll-enraging goodies presented by a friendly face capable of engaging and hilarious conversation.

My blog network and SJW colleague Stephanie helps to run conferences for FtB and Minnesota Atheists as well as workshops at Skepticon. My friend Stephanie would be accomplished and savvy enough to intimidate me if it weren’t for the fact that she has been so incredibly kind and thoughtful to me ever since I was but a baby Skepchick.

We know that they can run a conference. It’s up to us to create a conference for them to organize and run the hell out of.

Urgent Final Push for the Secular Women Work Conference

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