Comments on: Muslim Converts, Atheist Accommodationism, & White Privilege Here to disrupt your narrative. Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:13:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guest Post: Smug Liberals | Misandry Angie Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:13:37 +0000 […] trans and gender-nonconforming siblings. I didn’t cut off my Canuck former flame despite the infuriating white supremacy and misogyny embedded in his statements. I, of all people, know that monstrosities do not require […]

By: Srishti Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:30:50 +0000 White privilege is reinterpreting Islam well outside of the scope of established scholarship and considering it more pure and accurate because your view is divorced from its cultural contexts.

White privilege is calling the Islam of born-and-raised Muslims “cultural“, “old wives’ tales” and “grandmother Islam”, casting aspersions to its validity via misogyny and racism.

So true..I’ve had white converts rationalize triple talaq (while never being legally subjected to it), being unable to witness as men do(multi-tasking and breast-feeding for years, which isn’t supposed to be done.Solid food should start at 6 months) and justify rape-proof requirements(There’s always DNA.It’s 2014 and that’s your understanding of rape!!).

By: Ani Wed, 03 Sep 2014 03:24:27 +0000

By “Not All Muslim”-ing, I’m referring to the tendency to respond to legitimate criticism of the staggering majority of a privileged group with “they’re not all like that!” In this case, straight Muslims have privilege over queer ones. The fact that a small minority of Muslims are progressive on LGBT issues hardly helps LGBT Muslims and former Muslims to have a better life, and bringing up the small progressive contingent as if they’re representative hurts by painting an inaccurate picture and minimizing the amount of work that sorely needs to be done.

Really enjoyed your post and also very much agree with many of your follow-up points in the comments, including this one. I think there are Muslims who focus on the fact that they are a minority in many countries while ignoring the fact that Muslims can still be in a more privileged position compared to others due to other demographic factors, like race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. And they take advantage of that privilege to appoint themselves as the spokespeople for the religion and ignore every other type of discrimination other than discrimination against straight Muslim men by non-Muslims.

By: exi5tentialist Thu, 21 Aug 2014 06:56:25 +0000 In reply to Heina Dadabhoy.

Thanks. It’s always a good idea to look both ways at intersections.

By: Heina Dadabhoy Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:29:55 +0000 In reply to exi5tentialist.

The “Not All” reference in the OP is a reference to a phenomenon when people respond to genuine accounts of oppression with “but but not all [group] are like that!” For reference:

So it isn’t arguing that Muslims aren’t a monolith that I have a problem with, it’s this tendency to knee-jerk with exceptions to the general rule when someone is experiencing marginalization and oppression. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear. I thought “Not All [Group]” was enough of A Thing for what I was saying to be clear. I’ve added a clarification to the post.

By: exi5tentialist Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:15:48 +0000 In reply to Heina Dadabhoy.

I’m not overstating it. I’m saying not all muslims are homophobic. There’s nothing inaccurate about that statement, it’s not even alluding to numbers.

Denying that there are any muslim allies of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals (which you do when you object to the statement ‘not all muslims are homophobic’) inaccurately portrays the LGBTQi people as a western-only community. This harms western LGBTQi people, and makes muslim LGBTQi people invisible.

By: Heina Dadabhoy Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:04:21 +0000 In reply to exi5tentialist.

Overstating the minority of Muslims who don’t hold at least some sort of homophobic belief creates inaccurate impressions that harm queer Muslims and ex-Muslims.

By: exi5tentialist Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:35:55 +0000 In reply to Heina Dadabhoy.


Except neither is accurate…

Stating not all muslims are homophobes isn’t apologetics. It’s fact.

By: Heina Dadabhoy Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:43:00 +0000 In reply to Katherine Woo.

Meta note: I’m not sure if “Good little apologist” is a personal insult or not. In future, I’d recommend saying something like “engaging in apologism”.

By: Katherine Woo Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:21:40 +0000 Wonderful piece. I’ve brought up this very issue at left-leaning websites, including here, only to be met with scoffing and denial.

White privilege to slum it in repressive cultures is vile and it corrupts the very notion of equality under the law and secularism.
Whiteness and white privilege can be over-applied and even used in a racist manner, but you hit the nail on the head on all of these.

I see exi5tentialist is here running interference for Islam like a good little apologist.
