Hillary Clinton Nominated

Hillary Clinton

This has been a difficult primary, with inspiring things and shitty things on both sides. But I’m going to take a moment and be weepy and proud at the historic nomination of Hillary Clinton, the first woman to be nominated as a major party Presidential candidate.

(Hillary haters: please, don’t post it here. There’s plenty of other places, and there will be lots of other times. Thanks.)

Hillary Clinton Nominated

3 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Nominated

  1. 1

    Tonight I am thinking of my late mother, who so wanted to vote for Clinton eight years ago but then (as she put it) “a good-looking young guy from Illinois came in and spoiled the whole thing.” My paternal grandmother was proud that as a Canadian she got the vote before her cousins in the US did, and I’ll bet she would be thrilled tonight that finally a woman will lead a major party ticket.

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