Why Did God Create Atheists – Jesus and Mo Edition


I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy!

The brilliant, celebrated, freaking hilarious atheist comic strip, Jesus and Mo, has done a comic inspired by one of my blog posts! They even said so, right on the site! “A big tip of the hat to Greta Christina”!

Jesus and mo


(Click to enlarge, or else go to the site.)

I feel that on this occasion, I ought to say something dazzling, or at least ponderous, or at least witty and clever. But really, I’m too busy running around the apartment fluttering my hands and squealing. I am all a-twitter with girlish glee.


Why Did God Create Atheists – Jesus and Mo Edition

13 thoughts on “Why Did God Create Atheists – Jesus and Mo Edition

  1. 1

    An honor indeed! I’m a faithful reader of Jesus & Mo and when I saw this earlier I wondered if author had been here recently 🙂 I didn’t see that it said that it was indeed inspired by you.

  2. 2

    You’ve hit the big time now! Both PZed and the J&M author have mentioned you. You are approaching the inner circle of New Atheists!
    Now, what will it take to get to the inner circle of New Kink?

  3. 13

    I’d forgotten how I’d found your blog. Looking, I see it was the same way as Smoki did. I’m glad you were tipped from J&M: you’ve since become one of my favourite bloggers.

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