Friday Cat Blogging: Lydia on the Bible

And now, a cute picture of our cat.


I’d love to think that Lydia is expressing her opinion here about organized religion. But really, I think she’s just expressing her opinion that if there’s a book on the sofa, it should be sat on.

Friday Cat Blogging: Lydia on the Bible

4 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging: Lydia on the Bible

  1. 1

    But the real question is why the Bible is sitting on the sofa…
    Of course I can probably guess, considering that I have a Bible sitting on my desk beside my computer (for blogging/reference purposes).

  2. 3

    You got it exactly right, C.L. I don’t remember what exactly I’d looking up at the time I took this photo; it may have been the list of references to Hell in the New Testament. But I definitely read the Bible more now that I’m an atheist blogger than I have at any time of life other than college (I was a religion major). Ironic, isn’t it?

  3. 4

    How do you know she’s not thinking, “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as well as execute the office of Imperial Ruler of the Galaxy and All its Minions Therein, permanently holding those chow monkeys in thrall.” ?

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