“Its offspring made small mewling sounds”: Edward Gorey’s “The Trouble With Tribbles”

This made me laugh harder than anything else all week.

It’s a… I don’t even know how to say what it is. Shaenon K. Garrity, a fan of Edward Gorey and Star Trek, discovered that the former had been a fan of the latter, and created this imagining — essentially a fanfic mash-up in comic form — of what Gorey would have done with “The Trouble With Tribbles.”


The drawing doesn’t quite have Gorey’s touch (who does?), but it’s pretty darned good, with some very Gorey-esque compositions — and the writing is dead-on. Absolutely not to be missed.

Note to the artist: Gorey was also a Buffy fan. Can we get a mash-up of “Band Candy” next? Please please please please please?

Via Making Light, and also via my friend Rebecca.

“Its offspring made small mewling sounds”: Edward Gorey’s “The Trouble With Tribbles”