Comments on: Does The Emperor Have Clothes? Religion and the Destructive Force of Asking Questions Atheism, sex, politics, dreams, and whatever. Thu, 05 May 2011 08:25:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sensemaker Thu, 05 May 2011 08:25:13 +0000 You call Dawkins confrontational. Well, I have read and seen quite a bit of his material and I do not believe he has ever been as sarcastic as this:
“Right. The act of stating my opinion in public is the same as forcing that view onto others. I don’t, in fact, claim that I know there is no God, but never mind that now. I am cowing people into my narrow view through the awesome power of my blog. Which is read by hundreds of people every day! HUNDREDS, I tell you! Flee before me, puny earthlings! Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! I will cow you with the force of my opinions! Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated into my materialist Godless view; for while you may have the infinite power of the Almighty God on your side… I WIELD THE BLOG!
Bwa ha ha ha ha!”

By: nina Mon, 02 May 2011 19:28:49 +0000 that beleivers say that questions are an attack on faith is essentially an admission that religion is nonsense.
if it cannot withstand rigourous scrutnity, then it can’t be anything to base our lives or society upon – especially without consent in deomcratic countries were there’s allegedly separation of church and state

By: Donald Thu, 10 Mar 2011 23:13:01 +0000 Another thing that I could accept as a miracle would be the restoration of Haiti and its people to their pre earthquake conditions overnight!

By: Donald Thu, 10 Mar 2011 23:04:06 +0000 I am waiting to see a true miracle – such as the army veteran that lost three limbs in the Vietnam war – suddenly regaining his three limbs and walking away from his wheel chair!

By: jinglehopper Sun, 26 Dec 2010 19:45:01 +0000 I love your writing half for all these perfectly succinct explanations for entire libraries of ideas in my head, and half for the quoting of that line of Ozymandias.

By: unleashed-freedom aka kunal Thu, 15 Oct 2009 01:01:00 +0000 a day starts wit so much promise…
even when its rainin,
even when its dark.
its still a new beginning.
a night ends wit so much promise.
as its the ending of the old.
and in between the darkness n the light lies thoughts untold.
a child hurt at night,
still wakes up with new vigor,with renewed excitement.
showing us wat it is to really sleep.
to really live for the day.the very moment !
But as v GROW UP, night and day lose their charm.
their excitement…lose…us…
is it that the days r on our shoulders ,
tht v carry too much???
tht life…with so much promise ,now feels like prolonged muck.
tht the love v share wit so precious few,
is tentative n quite scary.
tht the money v earn by workin even harder
(& v’ve been promised by parents & society tht v WILL be happier with more of it)
is not really helping us enjoy to be freer,and more at ease.
n now v’r very weary.
Grown up have v?
seen life…
become practical.
So how come it is tht practicality seems to have its bitter SHARP edge…
tht wats termed reality has blinds on.
tht v’r all the emperor…with those fabled clothes on.
Our kingdom – our life insurance,based on death.
insured r u?
v give full refund & 100 % more on death, but do please collect it in person.
listen to ur elders.
they DO know what it is to FUCK UP..
and will teach it to u.
there is no need to beware of the devil – there never was.
there never will be.
go for confession, the one stop shop for redemption.
3 sins for 5 virtues -, TODAYS SPECIAL – apologies to god…
did the god tht banished Adam n eve from eden,
the god tht didnt like them having knowledge,
the god tht didnt like the fact tht they had shame or understanding of their differences…
tht they somehow obtained fig leaves (bless Canada) to cover themselves.
did this god wear clothes when he told them not to…
haha…nice na?
taught a two faced truth.
taught morals…at least unto others.
taught tht all are the same
have u ever met same ? ever ?
look, im not sayin anything against u or ur not putting u or anyone else down.
im just asking a few interesting questions.cause they interest me.
cause i want to know.
know more than tht which has been taught.
know more than which is seen.
which is said in our politeness.
in our life of learning of how not to step on toes…even our own.
of evading all small traps…only to be caught by the big one..
but the thing is – v cant see wats so close.
the hardest thing to see is what is in front of ur face , aa the saying goes.
SO… … 
 … what do u see ???

By: Joel Shimberg Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:57:33 +0000 I liked a lot of this, but I think somewhat differently. I believe that you conflate ‘religion’ with a belief in God. Major Jewish theologians, such as Maimonides and Elijah Gaon of Vilna are agreed that atheism is quite compatible with Judaism; the Buddha repeatedly denied his divinity, and Buddhists do not believe in God; 20% of Quakers who practice silent worship do not believe in God. These people question the idea of ‘salvation’ and practice a religion based on what one does, not what one believes (performance-based rather than faith-based).
Joel Shimberg
One more of the dangerous hundreds

By: Jacob Litoff Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:28:46 +0000 Once my mom had some minor health problem. She went to her doctor and he gave her some medicine. It didn’t work. He increased the dosage. It still didn’t work. He tried something else It still didn’t work. So she went to some voodoo doctor(or someone outside of western medicine). He gave her something to take and she was cured instantly. When she showed the pills to her regular doctor he said there was almost nothing in them. She’d have had to take 1000 of them daily to equal what he gave her. But heck it worked. So with religion it is the same thing. What works for someone is good so let them use it as long as it does nothing harmful for others.

By: Jason Failes Mon, 26 May 2008 12:16:42 +0000

By: arensb Mon, 07 Apr 2008 13:43:04 +0000 Brandon:
“The most common (coherent) response I’ve heard about why religion shouldn’t be questioned is that you shouldn’t take away a person’s hope – religion may be the only thing giving them a sense of meaning, and making them doubt that could cast them into some sort of existential despair, which would be cruel.”
As I see it, this is analogous to asking, “Is it okay to take away a person’s Prozac, when you know that that’ll make them depressed?”
No, I wouldn’t take away Granny’s Prozac, not when she’s been taking it for fifty years, is comfortable with it, would suffer if it were taken away, and isn’t hurting anyone.
At the same time, I wouldn’t tell people that they should take antidepressants on general principle, whether you suffer from depression or not.
It may be that there are people who need religion, the same way that others need antidepressants. Okay, fine. If that’s what it takes for them to live a normal life, fine. But like drugs, irrational beliefs should be something you resort to, not something you aspire to.
