New at Rosetta Stones: Four Fantastic Black Geologists

People. You have to meet these geoscientists! They are awesome. Their work is fascinating. And they are ensuring that we have a whole new generation of kids who will adore the good science of rock-breaking.

So. Head on over to Rosetta Stones, and meet John T. Leftwich, Zelma Maine Jackson, Bernard Hubbard, and Estella Atekwana. And, while we’re at it, have this lovely view of Mount Nyiragongo at night. It’s part of the African rift zone, which Dr. Atekwana is currently researching.

Image shows a volcano in silhouette, rearing against the sky. An orange glow from the summit reflects from the clouds. There is a scattering of stars in the clear bits of sky.
Nyiragongo volcano at night, the glow of its lava lake reflecting from the clouds. Credit: Cai Tjeenk Willink (CC BY-SA 3.0)



New at Rosetta Stones: Four Fantastic Black Geologists