Mystery Flora: Floral Castanets

Discovery Park’s been on my mind, so of course I’ve gone there for our first mystery flower of 2014. These are actually 2013’s flowers, mind – these photos are from a hike we took in June last year. They remind me how much I miss the sun and wish I was good at flamenco dancing.

Mystery Flora I
Mystery Flora I

Don’t they look positively Spanish? They remind me of those lovely flame-like dresses some Spanish dancers wear, and they also remind me of castanets.

The bushes looked like they were dripping fire.

Mystery Flora II
Mystery Flora II

These do not appear to be true flowers to me. I think they are bracts serving the purpose of petals. They seem to be busy guarding the fruits which are growing within.

Mystery Flora III
Mystery Flora III

Looks like part of the bracts or petals or what have you drop off when the little berry sort of things are ripe.


Mystery Flora IV
Mystery Flora IV

There’s a nice view of one of its long leaves for ye. This was a huge bushy plant, just as big as, if not bigger than, some of the rhodies.

Mystery Flora V
Mystery Flora V

Magnificent. Loves me some really outstanding and unusual plants when I’m out on a walkabout. Hopefully one or two of you will know what it is, and it won’t turn out to be some horrible invasive thingy.

And, just since I got meself in the mood for castanets and might have done the same to you…


Mystery Flora: Floral Castanets

6 thoughts on “Mystery Flora: Floral Castanets

  1. rq

    Lonicera involucrata, or twin-berry honeysuckle. Looks like you missed the actual flowers, and got only the flamenco fruit. ;) They’re lovely, very dramatic. A flower with flair.

  2. 6

    I’ve been attempting to catalog all the native plants on our property–now I’m sad we don’t have this beauty. We do have Lonicera ciliosa (Orange Honeysuckle), but it’s not nearly as dramatic either in flower or fruiting. Now I’m just counting down the days until the Trilliums (Trillium ovatum and T. parviflorum) bloom–Spring!

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